[ZvP] Dongraegu and TRUE vs PuCK and Bails (Best of 3 - All in 1 video)
cast by:Gretorp & Vibe

[PvT] Alicia and Crank vs Journey and Reality (Best of 3 - All in 1 video)
cast by:Catz & Nathanias

[TvT] qxc and Beastyqt vs TaeJa and TheStC (Best of 3 - All in 1 video)
cast by:Gretorp & Vibe

[ZvT] Dongraegu and TRUE vs Journey and Reality (Best of 3 - All in 1 video)
cast by:Catz & Nathanias

[TvT] Ryung and Heart vs Journey and Reality (Best of 3 - All in 1 video)
cast by:Gretorp & Vibe