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Sharp vs HerO (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
I think its wonderful that HD is open enough to be sexually attracted to transgendered girls.
The players are quite widely separated in skill, but the silly mistakes by Scarlett makes the game fun to watch. And HD, who I normally find annoying, is quite good since he is too busy gushing over Scarlett to do his normal narcissistic thing.
#1: Nowhere can I hear any indication of sexual attraction though. It's probably your own mind playing tricks with your hearing.
#1 aster: sexual orientation is NOT a choice, and not something about which you are "open" or "closed," it's a biological characteristic. I would think that in this day and age, we wouldn't still be so closed minded about this topic.
Scarlett came back through the power of the infestor, not her macro. The infestors killed a big chunk of the stalkers and all of the sentries in bummblebee's push, then the infestors destroyed the nexus. it is standard zerg practice to rely heavily on infestors, tech to them as fast as you can, and now you have a hard counter to every unit except heavily supported collosus (deathball).
WOL has become "Who's good enough to beat zerg," and that's only against a zerg who makes mistakes. a tight zerg game is unstoppable.
isnt bumblebee TLO'S smurf? which means he is off racing and still competing....
#1 Aster = retard
HD never said he is sexually attracted to transgendered
Also, what is wrong with being transgen ??
Totally agree with Tampora... Aster = Retard
And Aster also have Scarlett mixed up with other player (the is a player that was born male but relate to him self as a she). Scarlett is just a regular girl that happens to play Starcraft really well.
So not just a retard but also can't keep his "fact" in order... Well done.
I could not stop lol-ing at the roach ranch comments XD
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