very mild stuttering, good video. I love inControl
Comment # 3 by Salai
how the fuck can you be that stupid to record these videos on a computer that lags on highest settings? OMFG, totally destroyed every game, unwatchable, and so sad when it was all these badboys in one and the same place.
Comment # 4 by HeXetic
Terrible, aggravating stuttering during the action scenes. This must have been a nightmare to watch when it was first streamed, and it still sucks now.
Comment # 5 by nijntje07
this is always the problem with BOanything in 1 video... when will they ever learn?
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Video stutters
very mild stuttering, good video. I love inControl
how the fuck can you be that stupid to record these videos on a computer that lags on highest settings? OMFG, totally destroyed every game, unwatchable, and so sad when it was all these badboys in one and the same place.
Terrible, aggravating stuttering during the action scenes. This must have been a nightmare to watch when it was first streamed, and it still sucks now.
this is always the problem with BOanything in 1 video... when will they ever learn?
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