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Online: ESL_TV
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
Online: ESL_TV
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
Top Rated Series
HerO vs Clem (BO5 in 1 Video) by: Light_VIP
Nicoract vs YoungYakov (BO5 in 1 Video) by: Light_VIP
Clem vs Cham (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Light_VIP
Elazer vs Gerald (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Light_VIP
Maru vs PartinG (Best of 3) by: Artosis & tasteless
Nicoract vs YoungYakov (BO5 in 1 Video) by: Light_VIP
Clem vs Cham (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Light_VIP
Elazer vs Gerald (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Light_VIP
Maru vs PartinG (Best of 3) by: Artosis & tasteless
Most Commented Series
Sharp vs HerO (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Do they watch Community in the Netherlands? Or is this just too much synecdoche talking?
wow this late in to HotS and rotterdam has never seen a hellbat drop? ROFL
What the flying fuck!!! I could care less of the casters brothers or their desire to buy motorcycles. Game Nr1 they talked shit for 8 consecutive minutes in-game time. And im watching qualifiers for the world cup? Really?? A disgrace to the starcraft community and disrespect for the players is what it is...
Thank you for ruining an otherwise great series of games dickwads
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