We still love you TLO, but you can't be afraid to make roaches if you need them!
Comment # 2 by scruffypoos
Poor TLO, that was painful :(
Comment # 3 by YinYang
T - L - O !!! T - L - O !!! T - L - O !!!
Comment # 4 by Loukas
That was ugly
Comment # 5 by Adyst
After the third gg, that was awkward.
Comment # 6 by Scarble
He should've rushed the third game, MVP kept making the same build and was vulnerable. Or else not build mass lings, he couldn't deal with the hellbats.
Oh well, I was up for MVP so I hope he wins.
Comment # 7 by Scarble
What a retarded order to have the games in, they have the last one first and the first one third, now the Happy - DiMaga game is spoiled for me.
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We still love you TLO, but you can't be afraid to make roaches if you need them!
Poor TLO, that was painful :(
T - L - O !!! T - L - O !!! T - L - O !!!
That was ugly
After the third gg, that was awkward.
He should've rushed the third game, MVP kept making the same build and was vulnerable. Or else not build mass lings, he couldn't deal with the hellbats.
Oh well, I was up for MVP so I hope he wins.
What a retarded order to have the games in, they have the last one first and the first one third, now the Happy - DiMaga game is spoiled for me.
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