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Terran is broken. Slower 3rd,large minerals spent deficit, behind on upgrades, still able to get a larger army that's more cost efficient.
Terran isn't broken. They just seem to steamroll when used to the full extent of their abilities. It is the race that is limited only by the player's skill factor. They have a high risk, high reward playstyle.
You wanna know what's broken? Zerg. They have a low risk, high reward playstyle.
^ Exactly.
No, it is protoss who is OP! (But seriously, can we stop this "<insert race> op" talk?)
Innovation is skilled yes, but that game he literally shipped units to their deaths in medivacs every other minute and still had a larger more powerful army during the engagement. How is that possible? And medivacs heal so quickly I can't even tell the M&M stimmed, other than the fact they are running and shooting faster.
Terran needs a nerf: stim can make them run faster, but not shoot faster.
terran broken correct. zerg broken correct. protoss broken - yes. Game broken, I'm afraid so.
To the first one: Check your facts please :)
Behind on upgrades? He was 2 attack 2 armor against 0 attack 0 shields 3 armor (+1 attack finished near the end of the battle)
Slower 3rd? He started building it about 100 - 120 seconds before sOs, started to mine from it at roughly the same time (about 10-20 seconds later with mules, 10-20 more seconds later SCVs)
Mind you, he had the same amount of SCVs as sOs had probes (which means he was ahead on income), hence he was able to get a larger army.
Also, sOs had lost the main nexus about one minute before the attack, which means a lot of useless probes, as he could only mine from 2 bases against three saturated bases from terran.
All these things combined led to the larger army of INnoVation, which was, of course, more cost efficient only due to the larger size. Try e.g. battle of 20 marines vs 25 marines... The difference is massive, even though it doesn't seem like it...
If those armies were of a similar size (only 2 colossus, 2 HT in terms of splash damage... against 110 supply bio+hellbat+medivac? I don't think any upgrades save you there, even if he did have an edge...)
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