Yeah I agree though. Hate to see SelecT cheesed like that. Good plan from HerO, but nonetheless I would have liked to see better games.
Comment # 6 by ThorIsHere
dirty dirty play, never seen five oracles fly into someones base like that haha.
Comment # 7 by muddyhawk
The games were legit, remember they are playing for money. As much as they'd like to please fans, gotta put kimchi on the table. I thought the second game's build was clever
Comment # 8 by frumpylumps
protoss such an easymode race
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Welcome back SeleCT!
Gay toss play
@2 stfu
Yeah I agree though. Hate to see SelecT cheesed like that. Good plan from HerO, but nonetheless I would have liked to see better games.
dirty dirty play, never seen five oracles fly into someones base like that haha.
The games were legit, remember they are playing for money. As much as they'd like to please fans, gotta put kimchi on the table. I thought the second game's build was clever
protoss such an easymode race
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