Thank God Bomber won! Scarlett is a great player but has such booring style of play. No other units used than ling, bling,muta.... ZZZzzzZZZZzzz
Comment # 3 by BigLoad
eh i enjoy Scarlett play, so much creep everywhere. I feel like she plays z the way its meant to be played
Comment # 4 by lonedonkey
trollebo, you are such a douche. Scarlett is easily the most exciting Zerg player atm. Her game is dynamic and as aggressive as you can be in ZvT.
Comment # 5 by moutonnoir
Hope you like lings and mutas and blings and marines and mines and lings and mutas and blings and marines and mines and lings and mutas and blings and marines and mines and lings and...
Comment # 6 by tommunation
i just love watching zerg lose. that WOL nostalgia must be really strong, back in the days of the gglord ggslug unstopability.
Comment # 7 by s4life
This the current metagame duh!.. if she goes infestor or ultra, with the way bomber macroes.. it's gg for her. The only way for Z to tech all the way to ultras is if it's ahead.. and she wasn't ahead in almost any game. You obviously have no idea about the game.
Comment # 8 by zog
Bomber has got to be one of the most uninteresting players to watch, for no other reason than that he only really has one build - huge masses of marines with medivacs, and either tanks or mines. That's it.
What's worse is that it's effective in almost any matchup, regardless of race or player.
What's even worse than that is seeing other players picking up on it.
What a sad trend =(
Comment # 9 by BigLoad
bunch of qqers in this bitch
Comment # 10 by Prophecy3
^No doubt. This was an immense show of skill. There's more than just unit comp, it's positioning and timing as well. BioMine is used by bomber so much because it's so mobile and versatile, as soon as you have defended you pickup and attack.
This was an Epic 5game series, stop the qq.
Comment # 11 by TheWhiskey
Great games.
Comment # 12 by Bournekilla
I really don't think it's fair to bash someone for going the same units every game. After all, how do you think they become absolute masters with those units to being with. Same units every game: ling bling muta and MMM with tanks or mines... That goes for basically ALL players. Tell me you wish for the days of 20 Infestors and 12 Broodlord unkillable armies...
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Thank God Bomber won! Scarlett is a great player but has such booring style of play. No other units used than ling, bling,muta.... ZZZzzzZZZZzzz
eh i enjoy Scarlett play, so much creep everywhere. I feel like she plays z the way its meant to be played
trollebo, you are such a douche. Scarlett is easily the most exciting Zerg player atm. Her game is dynamic and as aggressive as you can be in ZvT.
Hope you like lings and mutas and blings and marines and mines and lings and mutas and blings and marines and mines and lings and mutas and blings and marines and mines and lings and...
i just love watching zerg lose. that WOL nostalgia must be really strong, back in the days of the gglord ggslug unstopability.
This the current metagame duh!.. if she goes infestor or ultra, with the way bomber macroes.. it's gg for her. The only way for Z to tech all the way to ultras is if it's ahead.. and she wasn't ahead in almost any game. You obviously have no idea about the game.
Bomber has got to be one of the most uninteresting players to watch, for no other reason than that he only really has one build - huge masses of marines with medivacs, and either tanks or mines. That's it.
What's worse is that it's effective in almost any matchup, regardless of race or player.
What's even worse than that is seeing other players picking up on it.
What a sad trend =(
bunch of qqers in this bitch
^No doubt. This was an immense show of skill. There's more than just unit comp, it's positioning and timing as well. BioMine is used by bomber so much because it's so mobile and versatile, as soon as you have defended you pickup and attack.
This was an Epic 5game series, stop the qq.
Great games.
I really don't think it's fair to bash someone for going the same units every game. After all, how do you think they become absolute masters with those units to being with. Same units every game: ling bling muta and MMM with tanks or mines... That goes for basically ALL players. Tell me you wish for the days of 20 Infestors and 12 Broodlord unkillable armies...
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