Despite the casters saying gg, there was definitely a rage quit without gg.
Comment # 2 by adlowrie
Yeah, often with nani the casters will give the GG for him :P
Comment # 3 by AddeDaMan
Nani was, as so often before, half asleep. Can't figure out what's up with him. If he'd been awake _all_ of the tournaments he went to he'd be so much richer... :)
Comment # 4 by Loukas
Wow didn't see this coming! Sweet hard counter in game 3.
Comment # 5 by henryinspace
It gives me a sick satisfaction to see a rage quit.
Comment # 6 by siraf
Comment # 7 by H1111
MC put money into Targa's pocket, haha!
Comment # 8 by DunnOwTf
hahaha another lose for this asshole ! YeaH Baby!!!
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Despite the casters saying gg, there was definitely a rage quit without gg.
Yeah, often with nani the casters will give the GG for him :P
Nani was, as so often before, half asleep. Can't figure out what's up with him. If he'd been awake _all_ of the tournaments he went to he'd be so much richer... :)
Wow didn't see this coming! Sweet hard counter in game 3.
It gives me a sick satisfaction to see a rage quit.
MC put money into Targa's pocket, haha!
hahaha another lose for this asshole ! YeaH Baby!!!
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