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Online: ESL_TV, Nice
Offline: ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nathanias, Livibee, SortOf
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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
I dont understand why so many players stick to their unit-composition, no matter what. Cutter had his Factorys up, so it would very easy for him to train Hellions. I have nothing against Rines/Tanks, but against so many Zerglings the Blue-Flame-Hellion would have torched everything.
TLO is the Lord of the Lings :P
lings underestimated when in mass and with a nice set of upgrades. Zerg usually has a bunch of extra money anyway
terran is kinda bad..
no third expo, no blu flame, didnt siege tanks until 15minutes into the game?:> duno what this is...but its bad
It looks something like joke game or bet game. But anyway it is interesting.
husky is annoying
Agreed. Should have done some blue-flame hellion and/or marine drops on the expansions.
husky is ridiculously annoying
shut up magicwaffles husky is nice
lame game - i don't see why so many ppl gave it thumbs up.
"husky is ridiculously annoying" - seconed
Im sorry husky I like ur casts but 5 minutes advertising yourself is pushing it too hard. You really need to stop doing that.
Is this replay about SC2 games or self-promoting for something? Crappy commentator.
Chillax. It's Husky.
How do i get in contact wit santah(admin)...i got a cast he doesn't have on this site...
i like husky.
yeah, agree with kalysto1, when you see your unit comp is not working, you need to change it up. go air massive banshees would have caught TLO off guard and take out his bases.
Normally I can tolerate Husky but...... That was just ridonkulous. Hell yeah for 100M views though, that's impressive.
Game was OK, reminds me of Blood Bath once TLO gets the creep rollin'
german dollars are called euros btw ;)
I like Husky, but he has to stop talking about random stuff going on for like 5 minutes during a replay...
I mean seriously I'm here to see TLO play Cutter if I cared about what he was doing I'd follow him on Facebook or something.
2Idelon: it's deuch marks, actually.
2Huskyhaters: well when u cast that much games as he did, i guess it'll be hard a little to say something new in first few minutes of game. "oh! it can not be! SCV gonna build first supply depot!" like that? just think 'bout it a little.
and anyways - here's few casters with some speech abnormality and that's really cracking my head. and few casters without any sense of humor, but they still try to. and we have one Ole Lukkoye here. Makes me sleepy within first 15 seconds of cast. (but he got no speech problems and don't try to crack a jokes, so i like his casts :P)
i mean - let's be little tolerated 'bout casters. they kinda working for us ))
doz, we're not in 1994 anymore, german's money is euro
terran: bad
TLO: zerglings only
commentary: horrible
if you are above silver league you wont learn anything by watching this vod
2psikobare: ghm... really) till 2002) my bad, sry
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