wow. and i really liked innovation too, but that kis just bad sportsmanship. If you are going to lose to a foreigner as the current top korean player, have some class man. Pausing the game right before Snute engages your army with a massive advantage? And thben suddenly after the unpause, you come out of no wherre with a win?
Suspicious; even the castetrs noted it
Comment # 3 by mOjoPrestige
Its painfully obvious that Innovation was not about to let himself lose to a euro zerg on live TV in a finals event, and did everything in his power to change that. I can say with confidence that, if that pointless pause never occured, Snute continues his momentum and cleans up the weak army outside of his base without trouble. Really interested to know what was told to innovation when his coach walked in to his booth.
Comment # 4 by Jabberwockee
It's too bad they couldn't finish this league with Incontrol and Nathanias. Those casters really made it what it was.
Comment # 5 by pwnasaurus
Are you kidding? Apollo and Day9 are some of the best in the business. The same cannot be said for Incontrol and Nathanias.
Comment # 6 by adlowrie
Jabberwockee nailed it. It was Incontrol and Nathanias story. I loved it, to have the last chapter read by Apollo and Day9 was a bit of a disappointment. In the same want Morgan freeman narrating the last 10 minutes Fight club rather than Edward Norton would be...
Comment # 7 by timss
Meh, sad for Snute not being able to close it due to that shitty pause.
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That shit was cray.
wow. and i really liked innovation too, but that kis just bad sportsmanship. If you are going to lose to a foreigner as the current top korean player, have some class man. Pausing the game right before Snute engages your army with a massive advantage? And thben suddenly after the unpause, you come out of no wherre with a win?
Suspicious; even the castetrs noted it
Its painfully obvious that Innovation was not about to let himself lose to a euro zerg on live TV in a finals event, and did everything in his power to change that. I can say with confidence that, if that pointless pause never occured, Snute continues his momentum and cleans up the weak army outside of his base without trouble. Really interested to know what was told to innovation when his coach walked in to his booth.
It's too bad they couldn't finish this league with Incontrol and Nathanias. Those casters really made it what it was.
Are you kidding? Apollo and Day9 are some of the best in the business. The same cannot be said for Incontrol and Nathanias.
Jabberwockee nailed it. It was Incontrol and Nathanias story. I loved it, to have the last chapter read by Apollo and Day9 was a bit of a disappointment. In the same want Morgan freeman narrating the last 10 minutes Fight club rather than Edward Norton would be...
Meh, sad for Snute not being able to close it due to that shitty pause.
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