Boring! Every time one strategy, constant marines widowmines production. It has to be fixed.
Comment # 5 by henryinspace
^ It's all about the set-up that makes it work and lends variety. Wicked timing in game 1, bunker contain game 2, triple banshee and factory in game 3! That's not "every time one strategy." I'll admit that the marine/widowmine river is more than a little predictable but it makes for action packed games.
Comment # 6 by Mikelodeon
why no broodlords?
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fucking sick ass tvz <3
insane series
Boring... MMA is so predictable player.
Boring! Every time one strategy, constant marines widowmines production. It has to be fixed.
^ It's all about the set-up that makes it work and lends variety. Wicked timing in game 1, bunker contain game 2, triple banshee and factory in game 3! That's not "every time one strategy." I'll admit that the marine/widowmine river is more than a little predictable but it makes for action packed games.
why no broodlords?
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