no matter how underpowered Terran or overpowered Zerg may seem, I don't see this game having gone any other way. Innovation is an amazing player, but he's not gonna be on the level of Maru until he can vary his play.
Comment # 2 by BarcodeHero
great series, i agree. Seemed like Life was reading Innovation like a book
Comment # 3 by gwho
47:53 why do zerg players not take 2-4 banelings to kill the scv line? (50m 25g) x 4 to kill 8+ scv. Most of the time, those 2-4 banelings that go for marines instead don't end up doing much. Secure the economic damage. it's kind of worth it. It reduces your downside a ton if your attack somehow doesn't pull through.
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no matter how underpowered Terran or overpowered Zerg may seem, I don't see this game having gone any other way. Innovation is an amazing player, but he's not gonna be on the level of Maru until he can vary his play.
great series, i agree. Seemed like Life was reading Innovation like a book
47:53 why do zerg players not take 2-4 banelings to kill the scv line? (50m 25g) x 4 to kill 8+ scv. Most of the time, those 2-4 banelings that go for marines instead don't end up doing much. Secure the economic damage. it's kind of worth it. It reduces your downside a ton if your attack somehow doesn't pull through.
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