I had deja-vu for the opening minutes of game 2. Seriously thought that I was watching the first game over again.
Comment # 2 by TheWhiskey
#1? I don't understand. In game 2 Snoost did NOT go for early pool, he did NOT cancel the CC and he DID open roaches and did NOT bane bust the bays... How were those games' openings similar?
Comment # 3 by Prophecy3
Yeah.. wtf? lol
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I had deja-vu for the opening minutes of game 2. Seriously thought that I was watching the first game over again.
#1? I don't understand. In game 2 Snoost did NOT go for early pool, he did NOT cancel the CC and he DID open roaches and did NOT bane bust the bays... How were those games' openings similar?
Yeah.. wtf? lol
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