Boring map win cause terran can abuse cliffs so easy vs zerg
Comment # 2 by DerCremige
so funny how zerg can be in a lead with 160:80 and still terran stays cause his units are so op vs zerg he can still win. GZ at that game design
Comment # 3 by TheWhiskey
So funny how my race (Zerg) always has the worst whiners. Flash had a dominating TvZ at the time. He played incredibly well and DRG made some critical mistakes. End of story.
Check Soo vs Flash before you start the balance whine.
Comment # 4 by TheWhiskey
And DRG even still won... tsk, I don't remember Protoss nor Terran balance whining when they win. Fuck Zerg players, they are just a bunch of losers.
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Boring map win cause terran can abuse cliffs so easy vs zerg
so funny how zerg can be in a lead with 160:80 and still terran stays cause his units are so op vs zerg he can still win. GZ at that game design
So funny how my race (Zerg) always has the worst whiners. Flash had a dominating TvZ at the time. He played incredibly well and DRG made some critical mistakes. End of story.
Check Soo vs Flash before you start the balance whine.
And DRG even still won... tsk, I don't remember Protoss nor Terran balance whining when they win. Fuck Zerg players, they are just a bunch of losers.
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