Wanted Flash to win, until Partings sob story about his mum. N1 Parting!
I also really loved the HomeStoryCup series, until once again they cut out the audio of the end interview, then i thought... What a pile shit you are!
Comment # 5 by roidanton
Great, emotional series! Also the dynamic of the three casters adds a lot tension.
Comment # 6 by nubknacker
Youtube link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56mZ2h2J0O4
Comment # 7 by santah
Normally I would've replaced the Twitch VOD with the above YouTube link, but it seems to be kinda poorly ripped and is stuttering a lot, so I'm leaving the Twitch VOD as it is.
Comment # 8 by Nabukadnezar
Amazing final and the commentators are great. For top experience watch it on Youtube though.
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InControl. Forever Wrong.
who downvotes that series? ...these people...
Wanted Flash to win, until Partings sob story about his mum. N1 Parting!
I also really loved the HomeStoryCup series, until once again they cut out the audio of the end interview, then i thought... What a pile shit you are!
Great, emotional series! Also the dynamic of the three casters adds a lot tension.
Youtube link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56mZ2h2J0O4
Normally I would've replaced the Twitch VOD with the above YouTube link, but it seems to be kinda poorly ripped and is stuttering a lot, so I'm leaving the Twitch VOD as it is.
Amazing final and the commentators are great. For top experience watch it on Youtube though.
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