It looks like it's Terran's time once again. ForGG winning DreamHack and Innovation winning Code S.
Comment # 2 by roidanton
Hidden tech switch in the last game. :-)
Comment # 3 by ZirkMan
Insane game 2, great game 7!
Comment # 4 by marcamillion
**********SPOILER ALERT**********
I am a zerg player and a MAJOR MAJOR Life fan...I couldn't help but feel in awe at how much ForGG has improved since he made an appearance on the stage of a major tournament at least a few months ago.
This was an AWESOME series by him. As much as I love zerg and Life....ForGG's play was fantastic.
He broke the meta so many times that Life didn't know how to cope.
His multi-tasking is insane, his micro is ridiculous, he has balls of steel (who continuously boosts medivacs full of units into double spore, mutas and banes? - seriously...who does that?).
It is insane the decisions this guy makes and the way he can pull it off.
Well played sir, you deserve it.
Comment # 5 by TheRealPoots
Comment # 6 by TheRealPoots
That was some intense starcraft like nothing before. I love the ''meta breaking'' that ForGG came up with. That was really cool and it felt refreshing to see something new about starcraft2 competitive play. I wish we can see more maps / units that can promote unique builds and not make it 'obvious' like this is now. Hell even when casters predict some build orders they name about 3 - 4. Not that there is only 3-4 build, only that 3-4 builds survive the current meta.
Comment # 7 by ajayrockrock
once again, the winner failed at the final boss. :)
Comment # 8 by Bournekilla
You have gotta love the exciting, aggressive mech style from ForGG. Finally, a style that allows you to both attack, and not be doomed once a zerg gets his Hive!
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It looks like it's Terran's time once again. ForGG winning DreamHack and Innovation winning Code S.
Hidden tech switch in the last game. :-)
Insane game 2, great game 7!
**********SPOILER ALERT**********
I am a zerg player and a MAJOR MAJOR Life fan...I couldn't help but feel in awe at how much ForGG has improved since he made an appearance on the stage of a major tournament at least a few months ago.
This was an AWESOME series by him. As much as I love zerg and Life....ForGG's play was fantastic.
He broke the meta so many times that Life didn't know how to cope.
His multi-tasking is insane, his micro is ridiculous, he has balls of steel (who continuously boosts medivacs full of units into double spore, mutas and banes? - seriously...who does that?).
It is insane the decisions this guy makes and the way he can pull it off.
Well played sir, you deserve it.
That was some intense starcraft like nothing before. I love the ''meta breaking'' that ForGG came up with. That was really cool and it felt refreshing to see something new about starcraft2 competitive play. I wish we can see more maps / units that can promote unique builds and not make it 'obvious' like this is now. Hell even when casters predict some build orders they name about 3 - 4. Not that there is only 3-4 build, only that 3-4 builds survive the current meta.
once again, the winner failed at the final boss. :)
You have gotta love the exciting, aggressive mech style from ForGG. Finally, a style that allows you to both attack, and not be doomed once a zerg gets his Hive!
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