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Online: RotterdaM, ESL_TV
Offline: CatZ, ViBE, Crank, BratOK, Beastyqt, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, Ryung, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nathanias, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Hey Santah, I was thinking of subscribing for life but usually watch from my phone or ipad and both apps are broke when trying to click on "View on Youtube". It just pulls up youtube but doesn't go to cast (important for those vids restricted to certain sites). Any chance of fixing soon?
Game 9 is so brilliant. We seriously need more of this in tournaments!!! :D
lmao i thought the best of 69 games was a typo
Will be fixed in the next update, though I can't promise when it'll be. I'll try to get to it as soon as I can.
Btw, can you point out to a video that doesn't work through the normal way (due to restrictions) so I can see if I can do something about it?
Even if restricted on some sites, videos should be working in the SC2Casts apps.
And thanks for considering Premium, this is what keeps this site afloat and helps me support and update it constantly.
It's probably helpful if people post which games are good.
Most of the early games are good, but game 9 is by far the best imo. They couldn't find a normal version of the map, so they play on a macro training map! Unique, wish there would be more of that available!
@ECV.ratje2000 Thanks for that shout out. Game 9 is indeed a gem. Brilliant indeed!
I was watching all of them and I passed Game 9 without even noticing it - it was on in the background. Your comment made me go back and watch it.
I am so happy I did. AWESOME game!
Thanks again!
If you discover any others, please highlight them :)
but game 0 isn't. it's a glitch.
game 9 was not good at all.
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