who the hell down voted this?? One of the best series I've seen so far...
Comment # 2 by Noeliu
This was GOOD!
Finally someone figured out how to beat mech! Oh Yea!
Comment # 3 by tommunation
#2 according to game 5, that strategy involves the other play boning it up. why'd he let the planetary go down? siege up and kill an ultra at least!
Comment # 4 by Anubis888
I'm still not convinced Mech isn't really OP atm. The armour upgrade fail was the only reason Innovation didn't destroy Byul in the last game.
Comment # 5 by Matthew
I don't know why more Zergs don't abuse nydus networks when it goes super late game. I'm not talking about sending the whole army through, I mean send a small squad of 3/3 adrenal lings with some roach/hydra support deep into the Terran base. Terran can't deal with that just with mech reinforcements; this mech composition relies on the synergy of everything together. A stray tank or thor which pops from a factory cannot defend it alone. Thus, now the Terran army either needs to pull away from that 5th or 6th base he NEEDS to defend, or he risks losing several buildings which cost resources to rebuild.
Long comment, just frustrating to watch some of these Zergs throw away 12k/6k banks away by slamming into a wall repeatedly. Do what Terran/Protoss do against old swarmhosts or broodlords: Ignore them and wipe out the infrastructure. I feel like instead of having 80 drones to build a bank you are going to waste, it would be better to have 50 drones and use 30 supply to constantly pull the mech army out of position.
Comment # 6 by paziek
@Matthew Nydus was not really viable since Innovation had vision of his whole base and could kill it before it would complete. Maybe in LotV it will change, when Nydus is unbreakable while going up.
Maybe flying locust would be better, since this map has so many natural walls.
Comment # 7 by ZeusBruce
Comment # 8 by Math
great series, super tense. great story too, really keeps you at the edge of your seat until the very end
Comment # 9 by gropah
Great, great series.
The armour fail of Inno in the last game was paaaaainful. He lost so many BC:s, Vikings and Tanks to Hydras that he otherwise wouldn't have. 25 minute game and he was 0/3? Total brain fart.
Comment # 10 by jerlamb26
To Matthew -- completely agreed. Even if Nydus wouldn't work, just throw away small groups of ling/bane to repeatedly stunt the terran's economy.
Also, after watching game 2: it seems that Zerg has perfected early and middle game, but just hasn't thought through the late game to the same level. Game 2 was, like you said, "repeatedly slamming into a wall". I'm not a progamer, but it seems that when fighting a maxed-out mech army, Zerg should counter by trading energy instead of units. Zerg have so many awesome units that replenish their energy over time -- some of which don't cost a thing -- like infestors. Burrowed infestors and broodlords could trade endlessly for vikings, tanks etc if microed well. Use cheap units like lings and roaches to tank for them. Don't just slam into a mec army off creep with expensive, non-replenishing units like ultras and corruptors.
If anyone can bank 12k/6k several times and not win a game, their strats are flawed.
Comment # 11 by gwho
the game-ending match is one to watch. one of the best.
Comment # 12 by Yani
the most emotional games I've ever seen.
Comment # 13 by coNNBoyle1
my 5yo daughter started clapping at the end of game 5 and has never played SC
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who the hell down voted this?? One of the best series I've seen so far...
This was GOOD!
Finally someone figured out how to beat mech! Oh Yea!
#2 according to game 5, that strategy involves the other play boning it up. why'd he let the planetary go down? siege up and kill an ultra at least!
I'm still not convinced Mech isn't really OP atm. The armour upgrade fail was the only reason Innovation didn't destroy Byul in the last game.
I don't know why more Zergs don't abuse nydus networks when it goes super late game. I'm not talking about sending the whole army through, I mean send a small squad of 3/3 adrenal lings with some roach/hydra support deep into the Terran base. Terran can't deal with that just with mech reinforcements; this mech composition relies on the synergy of everything together. A stray tank or thor which pops from a factory cannot defend it alone. Thus, now the Terran army either needs to pull away from that 5th or 6th base he NEEDS to defend, or he risks losing several buildings which cost resources to rebuild.
Long comment, just frustrating to watch some of these Zergs throw away 12k/6k banks away by slamming into a wall repeatedly. Do what Terran/Protoss do against old swarmhosts or broodlords: Ignore them and wipe out the infrastructure. I feel like instead of having 80 drones to build a bank you are going to waste, it would be better to have 50 drones and use 30 supply to constantly pull the mech army out of position.
@Matthew Nydus was not really viable since Innovation had vision of his whole base and could kill it before it would complete. Maybe in LotV it will change, when Nydus is unbreakable while going up.
Maybe flying locust would be better, since this map has so many natural walls.
great series, super tense. great story too, really keeps you at the edge of your seat until the very end
Great, great series.
The armour fail of Inno in the last game was paaaaainful. He lost so many BC:s, Vikings and Tanks to Hydras that he otherwise wouldn't have. 25 minute game and he was 0/3? Total brain fart.
To Matthew -- completely agreed. Even if Nydus wouldn't work, just throw away small groups of ling/bane to repeatedly stunt the terran's economy.
Also, after watching game 2: it seems that Zerg has perfected early and middle game, but just hasn't thought through the late game to the same level. Game 2 was, like you said, "repeatedly slamming into a wall". I'm not a progamer, but it seems that when fighting a maxed-out mech army, Zerg should counter by trading energy instead of units. Zerg have so many awesome units that replenish their energy over time -- some of which don't cost a thing -- like infestors. Burrowed infestors and broodlords could trade endlessly for vikings, tanks etc if microed well. Use cheap units like lings and roaches to tank for them. Don't just slam into a mec army off creep with expensive, non-replenishing units like ultras and corruptors.
If anyone can bank 12k/6k several times and not win a game, their strats are flawed.
the game-ending match is one to watch. one of the best.
the most emotional games I've ever seen.
my 5yo daughter started clapping at the end of game 5 and has never played SC
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