I really enjoyed the matches throughout but most of all I loved the interview with the winner, there was a lot of honesty there and he gave good feedback on his opponent and his next opponent. Looking forward to his next set!
Comment # 2 by tommunation
those spine crawlers saved his ass in game 5!!!!!!! that, and hydra taking those corrosive biles like an esports Tony Montana
Comment # 3 by Xeneonic
I even see the very best Korean players get hit often by corrosive biles. When there's a ton going on in multiple bases (even worse if you're both defending and attacking at the same time), you're bound to hit a corrosive bile.
I see CJ HerO, Classic, SoS all lose their mothership cores during crucial parts of battles due to corrosive biles. You're being too hard on Hydra.
Sometimes people even get hit by their own corrosive biles in the pro scene. You have to cut Hydra some slack :P
p.s. you should tone down a bit on the spoilers
Comment # 4 by tommunation
spoilers? come on! everyone has seen scarface by now, and if they didn't, that one scene has been played out on many other programs.
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(No spoilers, keep reading)
I really enjoyed the matches throughout but most of all I loved the interview with the winner, there was a lot of honesty there and he gave good feedback on his opponent and his next opponent. Looking forward to his next set!
those spine crawlers saved his ass in game 5!!!!!!! that, and hydra taking those corrosive biles like an esports Tony Montana
I even see the very best Korean players get hit often by corrosive biles. When there's a ton going on in multiple bases (even worse if you're both defending and attacking at the same time), you're bound to hit a corrosive bile.
I see CJ HerO, Classic, SoS all lose their mothership cores during crucial parts of battles due to corrosive biles. You're being too hard on Hydra.
Sometimes people even get hit by their own corrosive biles in the pro scene. You have to cut Hydra some slack :P
p.s. you should tone down a bit on the spoilers
spoilers? come on! everyone has seen scarface by now, and if they didn't, that one scene has been played out on many other programs.
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