Casters are kinda annoying when they constantly bash the losing player in a yes, generally the losing side of something looks inept..Heck, for almost any competitive sport...Perfect example was Heroes of the Storm games at Blizzcon....
Comment # 2 by DGTLGNGSTR
they are merely commenting on what they are seeing. so if it's bad play they are going to comment on how bad it is, make sense to you?
Comment # 3 by akasnowmaaan
Nah, these guys bashed the first game, because it was a bop, but it turned into grudging respect in the 2nd and then to speculation and analysis of a build they hadn't seen after that.
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Casters are kinda annoying when they constantly bash the losing player in a yes, generally the losing side of something looks inept..Heck, for almost any competitive sport...Perfect example was Heroes of the Storm games at Blizzcon....
they are merely commenting on what they are seeing. so if it's bad play they are going to comment on how bad it is, make sense to you?
Nah, these guys bashed the first game, because it was a bop, but it turned into grudging respect in the 2nd and then to speculation and analysis of a build they hadn't seen after that.
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