don't know who downvoted this, but it is a good game.
Comment # 2 by Xeneonic
It was a very good game. I don't understand why Soo went for a muta switch twice, against the same matchup. Trap had like 6 or so archons alive when Soo went for mutas, it seems like a throw to me personally...
Great games in this Challenger League so far and just look at how much TY has improved over the years. If you've seen him play the past 3 or so years you just see how far he's come. TY and Maru are like 3 leagues above any other Terran in the world right now.
Comment # 3 by fjuss
@1 not the case for me for this series, but I often accidentally downvote because large fingers on small screens make for errors. It would enhance the accuracy if the buttons wer to be less proxy.
I enjoyed the game and the cast. Great job! Great site too!
Comment # 4 by tommunation
#2 it wasn't a muta "switch" the first time, it was just 3 mutas to kill the warp prism
Comment # 5 by Xeneonic
#4; What the casters mean is that against a similar composition on the same day, SoO tried it as well: (Hush vs soo) and it seems like an incredibly questionable decision.
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don't know who downvoted this, but it is a good game.
It was a very good game. I don't understand why Soo went for a muta switch twice, against the same matchup. Trap had like 6 or so archons alive when Soo went for mutas, it seems like a throw to me personally...
Great games in this Challenger League so far and just look at how much TY has improved over the years. If you've seen him play the past 3 or so years you just see how far he's come. TY and Maru are like 3 leagues above any other Terran in the world right now.
@1 not the case for me for this series, but I often accidentally downvote because large fingers on small screens make for errors. It would enhance the accuracy if the buttons wer to be less proxy.
I enjoyed the game and the cast. Great job! Great site too!
#2 it wasn't a muta "switch" the first time, it was just 3 mutas to kill the warp prism
#4; What the casters mean is that against a similar composition on the same day, SoO tried it as well: (Hush vs soo) and it seems like an incredibly questionable decision.
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