WOW! Losira managed to take a game of Zest AND Maru. No one else seems too impressed by this.
Comment # 2 by pannekake2k
I'm impressed bro. Those casters seems kinda judgemental towards Losira..
Comment # 3 by Dotkon
The casters are doing a very poor job in this game. They fail to recognise the reality of the game and are clearly biased towards one player. It's frustrating and unprofessional.
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WOW! Losira managed to take a game of Zest AND Maru. No one else seems too impressed by this.
I'm impressed bro. Those casters seems kinda judgemental towards Losira..
The casters are doing a very poor job in this game. They fail to recognise the reality of the game and are clearly biased towards one player. It's frustrating and unprofessional.
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