These Brood War games are absolutely epic. I'm so glad theyre showing these; I'd never watched Brood War before this season's ASL.
Comment # 2 by Syoss
Was sceptic at first due to the crappy graphics. But great casting by Tasteless & Rapid - explaining how the game works and comparing it to SCII - made me enjoy this replay. Now I'm glad I know more about SCII's predecessor.
Comment # 3 by tommunation
Heresy to say this maybe, but I like watching BW more. There's nonstop engagement; units destroyed left and right. SC2 frequently has one battle decide it all.
BW gives you long games full of non-stop slaughter.
Also, This game is super old, and it's perfectly balanced! They're STILL coming up with new strategies, and then counter strategies, etc. Remember WOL? Zerg ---> Winfestors = gg. Totally broken. How many patches came out?
BW has my heart.
Comment # 4 by tommunation
#2 the graphics in BW are PERFECT. Sharp contrast between units makes play more enjoyable, not like in the newer games where you need to squint and strain your eyes.
Comment # 5 by jwark
BW games are so intense from start to finish. This is what made RTS great.
Comment # 6 by csreneoq
The graphics are fine, I agree with #4 on that one. Contrast in Sc2 is very bad at times, mainly with zerg on creep. As watching BW is concerned, I'd say the problem lies in the way units move across the screen. It seems very clunky, choppy. Sc2 units move with much more fluidity.
Comment # 7 by jaormsby
Rapid is doing a lot better. That game between Effort and Free was intense!
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These Brood War games are absolutely epic. I'm so glad theyre showing these; I'd never watched Brood War before this season's ASL.
Was sceptic at first due to the crappy graphics. But great casting by Tasteless & Rapid - explaining how the game works and comparing it to SCII - made me enjoy this replay. Now I'm glad I know more about SCII's predecessor.
Heresy to say this maybe, but I like watching BW more. There's nonstop engagement; units destroyed left and right. SC2 frequently has one battle decide it all.
BW gives you long games full of non-stop slaughter.
Also, This game is super old, and it's perfectly balanced! They're STILL coming up with new strategies, and then counter strategies, etc. Remember WOL? Zerg ---> Winfestors = gg. Totally broken. How many patches came out?
BW has my heart.
#2 the graphics in BW are PERFECT. Sharp contrast between units makes play more enjoyable, not like in the newer games where you need to squint and strain your eyes.
BW games are so intense from start to finish. This is what made RTS great.
The graphics are fine, I agree with #4 on that one. Contrast in Sc2 is very bad at times, mainly with zerg on creep. As watching BW is concerned, I'd say the problem lies in the way units move across the screen. It seems very clunky, choppy. Sc2 units move with much more fluidity.
Rapid is doing a lot better. That game between Effort and Free was intense!
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