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Online: ESL_TV
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, Ryung, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
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HerO vs Dark (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Light_VIP
SnOw vs SOMA (BO5 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
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Most Commented Series
Sharp vs HerO (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Older versions of StarCraft graphics aren't acceptable to tv viewings. Better games elsewhere.
lol tell that to SK bro. let me guess, the "better games" youre thinking of are some MOBA based wc3 ums-pirated map never changing bullshit? Or is it heroes? because heroes is pretty good. but thats besides the point: if you dont see the beauty of broodwar, gtfo. dont complain about something you simply dont understand. broodwar was born perfect and anyone complaining about graphics are usually just from the newer gen who simply dont know any better. they're so tranfixed with their unlimited grouped hotkeys that they dont stop to think about the deeper ramifications. i seriously need to write an article about this.
@#3; I suggest you try to be constructive on sc2casts.
SC:BW's charm isn't about the graphics, it isn't shown on TV or an e-sports for the graphics either. SC:BW's strength lies in the skillset required to play well. The skill ceiling is incredibly high because of the way the game was designed.
Just the fact that you can only put 12 units into a control group has an incredible impact on how the game is played. In fact, it is accepted by experts and pro's alike that, if this limitation was not in the game, Zerg would win every match.
So even something as relatively simple as this has a really big impact on balance. We're not even mentioning a lot of other features that makes the game extremely hard to play, and therefore very exciting to see when someone can make it work:
Few camera position hotkeys;
Hotkeys that cannot be changed;
miss-chance (Behind obstacles like trees or on hills);
Unit type differences. (A ling will get one shot by a sieged up siege tank, but if the ling was moving, it will survive a hit);
"Unfair" balance features (Like dark swarm, stasis field, recall, emp, irradiate)
The latter one in quotations, because they are very powerful but cancel each other out, thus bringing the balance back. There are many more features that makes this a top class game that makes for great entertainment to watch on TV or on the net.
The beauty is the mechanics and gameplay of this game. If you came to watch a game tournament of SC:BW expecting 2016's graphics from a 1996 game, then yeah, your expectations are not going to be met. If you expect professionals play at the maximum human capacity on macro and micro level, you will be amazed instead.
@santah; This match is sSak vs Sharp in a Bo5
Great games though. Tough to see RAPiD having to handle this all by himself. He's still learning a lot so putting him into the spotlight all by himself is a very tough job to do. I saw Tasteless having to solo cast a few months back as well and man, he too had a rough time.
I would have loved to see Wolf or someone else help him out on this.
wow nice write up Xeneonic. I seriously am starting a list of differences between sc2 and bw and try to weigh the pros and cons. personally i feel like a lot was lost in the transition but itd be cool to see a new BW game come out with updated graphics and exact same mechanics if possible. not that i personally care much about the graphics, it would be pretty cool to see it done properly.
I remember Age of Empires (~97) was before BW and had unlimited units in a control group. The game designers at Blizzard were very mindful when they decided 12 units to a control group, and little things like this make the game SO much better: in this case, come backs occur more (larger army is harder to control). and that is just one benefit that came from the top of my head, im positive there are many others.
I wasn't a fan of Rapid's casting of the GSL and SSL but he surprised me here. His knowledge of BW is far better than his knowledge of SC2.
@#7; he's basically repeating what Tasteless was saying in earlier ASL where he co-casted. He mostly didn't do predictions; he just explained what was happening. This is alright casting, but a veteran caster would definitely be telling what sorts of openings are possible, and provide more insight than what is actually happening on the screen.
I don't want to diss RAPiD though, solocasting is very hard and even Tasteless still has a very hard time (A few months back during GSL) solocasting. It is really uncomfortable, and RAPiD is doing pretty well despite being "new" in the business.
He definitely has a long way to go. His jokes are still cringeworthy and he whines about his student loan debt and politics more than anyone should (which is never). He simply seems to understand SC1 a little better than SC2. If he drops the jokes and the personal commentary and focuses entirely on play-by-play, he could make a decent co-caster to someone who's more analytical.
I absolutely agree. I feel that if he'd just focus on the core aspects of casting first (Delivering information that's happening on the screen and potential solutions to the problem we're seeing (Such as someone being contained or low econ problemsolving)), he'd improve a lot. Leave the jokes for after you've mastered these core aspects and feel comfortable casting the game, after that it's alright to start focusing on improving jokes. But before that I feel it's best to just leave them out.
I hope to see more from RAPiD, but please don't let him solocast for a while. I feel like he can improve a lot faster with co-casters that can also give him feedback before and after the matches!
I doubt the casters read these comments or perhaps not even know of the site's existence, but then again sending him a tweet will probably not help as people on camera tend to get flooded with messages.
better than basetrade lol
@#11 No kidding. While Rapid is cringeworthy a lot, I'll listen to him all day compared to Rifkin's "casting".
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