Brutal. That was a smack down. Can't wait to see Polt at Blizzcon against the korean circuit.
Comment # 2 by tommunation
agree with #1, it was complete pwnage... but... byun would've done it quicker and with fewer losses.
which brings me to an observation. why are we supposed to feel sorry for Kerrigan being left for dead on Tarsonis. I mean, isn't that standard Terran battle tactics? Does anyone feel sorry for all those reapers who died for just a good scout? Or those marines left alone to provide vision at a watch tower? Kerrigan at least secured the destruction of a mighty Protoss Fleet AND all of Tarsonis! Dude! She effectively ENDED the Confederacy! And she's raw over it? Please... typical zerg princess...
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Brutal. That was a smack down. Can't wait to see Polt at Blizzcon against the korean circuit.
agree with #1, it was complete pwnage... but... byun would've done it quicker and with fewer losses.
which brings me to an observation. why are we supposed to feel sorry for Kerrigan being left for dead on Tarsonis. I mean, isn't that standard Terran battle tactics? Does anyone feel sorry for all those reapers who died for just a good scout? Or those marines left alone to provide vision at a watch tower? Kerrigan at least secured the destruction of a mighty Protoss Fleet AND all of Tarsonis! Dude! She effectively ENDED the Confederacy! And she's raw over it? Please... typical zerg princess...
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