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Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, mcanning, JimRising, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
Online: Harstem, ESL_TV
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, mcanning, JimRising, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
I am so glad Pet lost. I feel indifferent when it comes to country and I'm not a fan for any of these two players. But when you cheese 3x in a row because you lost 2x in a row in a macro game, you already admit that the opponent is the better player.
I think Pet had balls for cheesing once, and the second time it was smart because opponents usually think "Well he's not gonna cheese twice in a row". But when you do it the third time, shame on you.
^Exactly. Well said. Better player advanced for sure.
Pet impressed me by making it this far but he was clearly the biggest underdog in the tournament. It's sad to see him go out like that but he did what he thought he had to do in order to defeat a better player. I can't fault him for that.
I personally don't like the "I just want to get money no matter what." attitude. A principle or mentality that's clearly not cut out to make you a champion. Good riddance.
That was a sick hold in game 5. Neeb is next level.
Why shouldn't he think that? He gets paid based on his placement in the tournament, not by how much he manages to entertain you. MC had the same mentality in early WoL and he won GSL Code S twice. Cheesing for wins is only getting harder as the game gets older, but if it gives someone the best chances of winning a series then you know they're going to do it.
"but if it gives someone the best chances of winning a series then you know they're going to do it."
No, you don't know. If you knew then you'd always hard counter the cheeses. You'd never have a quick expand against a cheese if you know it's a cheese. You wouldn't scout if you know it's a cheese.
If you know they're going for a cheese then no one would cheese because it's only effective when it's found out too late.
Just because cheesing would give someone the best chances of winning, doesn't mean they'd always do it, because then it'd be predictable, and thus the chances of winning gets reduced. And that's why you never know.
the other reason to cheese is if you think your micro is better but your macro is worse
"Just because cheesing would give someone the best chances of winning, doesn't mean they'd always do it, because then it'd be predictable, and thus the chances of winning gets reduced. And that's why you never know."
Well, then cheesing doesn't give them the best chances of winning, now does it? Looks like you agree with me.
You still never know, you say you do. So no, I don't agree.
Yeah, you need to read this.
Winning a tournament completely on cheese is still winning. When you can reliably cheese people that know it's coming it means you often have a lot of extra skills that make the cheese difficult to stop, which means skill, which means it's still earning the win.
The fact that he got so close to winning by cheesing the crud out of the cheesiest race is sweet. 'Turnabout is fair play' and all that.
game 3 why not finish the wall-off?
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