corrosive bile. it does 60 damage, 7 second cooldown.
if your units are dirty, and you sit in a storm for the full 4 seconds, it's 80 damage. since it uses energy, it's in effect a 75 second cooldown.
the ravager is a tier 1 unit, while high templar are tier 3.
oh, and ravagers have a regular attack, and high templar do not.
we need to unite, protoss and terran, and destroy every last ravager. they are more of a threat to the universe than hybrids. all differences must be put aside, until ravagers are extinct.
Comment # 2 by Zajkonur
lol bro nice one! :)
Comment # 3 by mOjoPrestige
and yet ravager based armies struggle against every mixed-unit composition in head to head fights, and any pro can easily get to mid game since ravager all-ins are extremely weak even against a late scout.
Comment # 4 by Xeneonic
You cannot simply compare it with numbers like that. You have to take into consideration:
1. The delay before bile lands as opposed to the storm's instant field.
2. The area of effect of a bile is much smaller compared to the storm.
3. You can stack up to two storms on one Templar.
4. Biles can break force fields while storms cannot.
5. Templar can form an Archon.
6. Ravagers have an auto-attack while Templar do not.
All of these factors make it much harder to define whether something is OP or not. It's not simply "60 damage on 7s CD vs 80 damage on 75s CD".
And that's why people get paid to balance the game.
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corrosive bile. it does 60 damage, 7 second cooldown.
if your units are dirty, and you sit in a storm for the full 4 seconds, it's 80 damage. since it uses energy, it's in effect a 75 second cooldown.
the ravager is a tier 1 unit, while high templar are tier 3.
oh, and ravagers have a regular attack, and high templar do not.
we need to unite, protoss and terran, and destroy every last ravager. they are more of a threat to the universe than hybrids. all differences must be put aside, until ravagers are extinct.
lol bro nice one! :)
and yet ravager based armies struggle against every mixed-unit composition in head to head fights, and any pro can easily get to mid game since ravager all-ins are extremely weak even against a late scout.
You cannot simply compare it with numbers like that. You have to take into consideration:
1. The delay before bile lands as opposed to the storm's instant field.
2. The area of effect of a bile is much smaller compared to the storm.
3. You can stack up to two storms on one Templar.
4. Biles can break force fields while storms cannot.
5. Templar can form an Archon.
6. Ravagers have an auto-attack while Templar do not.
All of these factors make it much harder to define whether something is OP or not. It's not simply "60 damage on 7s CD vs 80 damage on 75s CD".
And that's why people get paid to balance the game.
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