I'd like to add some more feedback here regarding the criticism I had towards the social media bar on the top.
Previously I mentioned that it didn't contribute to the content of the Shoutcraft, but I have to go back on my word on that one, on one part.
That's because I actually find it insightful when the players themselves leave a comment, such as Nerchio did a few times. If a player after a match comments with why they felt they lost or why something didn't work out as they planned, this would be valuable information that - I feel at least - really contributes to the stream.
I have to admit that I'd like to see them do that more often, which means that in the end, the social media part does contribute to the stream sometimes and I was in the wrong.
So, thanks. And thanks for another glorious Shoutcraft Kings.
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I'd like to add some more feedback here regarding the criticism I had towards the social media bar on the top.
Previously I mentioned that it didn't contribute to the content of the Shoutcraft, but I have to go back on my word on that one, on one part.
That's because I actually find it insightful when the players themselves leave a comment, such as Nerchio did a few times. If a player after a match comments with why they felt they lost or why something didn't work out as they planned, this would be valuable information that - I feel at least - really contributes to the stream.
I have to admit that I'd like to see them do that more often, which means that in the end, the social media part does contribute to the stream sometimes and I was in the wrong.
So, thanks. And thanks for another glorious Shoutcraft Kings.
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