yeah, nice game one but bunny should know that u can not win against a protoss lategame army... byun did it rigth an killed hero midgame
Comment # 2 by Xeneonic
If you don't slow down the Protoss in any way, shape or form, then indeed, the odds of being able to beat a late game Protoss army is very low.
An important factor in these games in specific is just how low of a priority ranged libs are for Bunny compared to, say, Inno or TY. Obviously that's not the only difference, but something that stood out to me as one of the major factors.
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yeah, nice game one but bunny should know that u can not win against a protoss lategame army... byun did it rigth an killed hero midgame
If you don't slow down the Protoss in any way, shape or form, then indeed, the odds of being able to beat a late game Protoss army is very low.
An important factor in these games in specific is just how low of a priority ranged libs are for Bunny compared to, say, Inno or TY. Obviously that's not the only difference, but something that stood out to me as one of the major factors.
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