Maru lost those 2 thorvacs because he just let them closeby behind the natural, and Rogue sent his hydra to take them out. You can see it on the minimap at 12:00... somewhat sloppy from Maru
Comment # 5 by Xeneonic
Great games. If Rogue could always be in this shape then no terran would stand a chance in a straight up game.
Comment # 6 by bournekillah
Yeah, TvZ is pretty imbalanced, swinging back and forth in terms of advantage drastically depending on how long the game lasts.
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Damn, Rogue in beast mode!
"Game played or not casted yet." ?
Apologies, fixed!
Game 1 spoiler:
Maru lost those 2 thorvacs because he just let them closeby behind the natural, and Rogue sent his hydra to take them out. You can see it on the minimap at 12:00... somewhat sloppy from Maru
Great games. If Rogue could always be in this shape then no terran would stand a chance in a straight up game.
Yeah, TvZ is pretty imbalanced, swinging back and forth in terms of advantage drastically depending on how long the game lasts.
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