Have to agree, amazing nonetheless. The casters are really hyping up Blizzcon as the best tournament for SC2 but I really can't take these foreigners serious with a notable exception of one or two. A whole 8 into the bracket just makes it a watered down GSL.
Comment # 3 by thekonny
I think the foreigners are getting better tho, and I wonder if allowing them to participate in GSL gives them that extra incentive.
Comment # 4 by tommunation
Second place soo! Oh man... he's the buffalo bills of esports
Comment # 5 by Phoq
I was so hoping that Soo would win, but honestly Rogue just played better and deserved to win.
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The better player won.
Have to agree, amazing nonetheless. The casters are really hyping up Blizzcon as the best tournament for SC2 but I really can't take these foreigners serious with a notable exception of one or two. A whole 8 into the bracket just makes it a watered down GSL.
I think the foreigners are getting better tho, and I wonder if allowing them to participate in GSL gives them that extra incentive.
Second place soo! Oh man... he's the buffalo bills of esports
I was so hoping that Soo would win, but honestly Rogue just played better and deserved to win.
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