I'm not voting this down, but this was mostly quite boring and one-dimensional. Pretty much the same stuff in every game. Nothing really creative or non-vanilla. Not championship level games aside from a couple of moves here and there.
Comment # 3 by jitzubur
SoO is a solid player who really deserved to win a major tournament. I'm happy for him.
Comment # 4 by Phoq
The games weren't the best, but finals rarely are (too much pressure).
But the story, oh my god. So many years of building up this story of soO, so many levels of completely relatable emotions. I honestly had tears in my eyes at the end. Congratulations soO, I'm so happy that your story peaked rather than fizzled. You truly deserve it, and I couldn't imagine a better result of this IEM Katowice.
Comment # 5 by gwho
so just make hydra? xp
Comment # 6 by HeBuHeH
Stats just gave the last 4 games. Game 3: Come on, you dont know your strengths (macro-defend-counter) and go with zealots? And later you just overextend 3 times in a row ? I start to wonder if money comes in play before tournaments.
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Well played by SoO.
I'm not voting this down, but this was mostly quite boring and one-dimensional. Pretty much the same stuff in every game. Nothing really creative or non-vanilla. Not championship level games aside from a couple of moves here and there.
SoO is a solid player who really deserved to win a major tournament. I'm happy for him.
The games weren't the best, but finals rarely are (too much pressure).
But the story, oh my god. So many years of building up this story of soO, so many levels of completely relatable emotions. I honestly had tears in my eyes at the end. Congratulations soO, I'm so happy that your story peaked rather than fizzled. You truly deserve it, and I couldn't imagine a better result of this IEM Katowice.
so just make hydra? xp
Stats just gave the last 4 games. Game 3: Come on, you dont know your strengths (macro-defend-counter) and go with zealots? And later you just overextend 3 times in a row ?
I start to wonder if money comes in play before tournaments.
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