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majin, never heard about ten pool? -_-
the idiot caster had to read the discription of tunneling claws....
Idiot caster, why can't someone serious cast this game?
Majin is clearly putting a lot of effort into this, but there's no audience for this style of casting. Majin, if you read this, please create a new youtube channel under a different name and work your jokes into real casts, don't force it.
@citizen. Thank you for the feedback. @loaded you're the idiot. Picture this: roaches dig under ground. I wonder what tunneling claws do? I KNOW IT. You know it. someone who has no idea what SC2 is might see it. So instead of winning about the 3 seconds it took me to say that ... how about you pull your head out of your ass and learn to give an objective informed opinion. So freaking hard to say "hey man don't read tooltips as it makes you look like you don't know what you're doing and is throwing me off'. No You have to insult someone. [censored by santah]
TheMajinTrunks, dude, you can't talk to people like that in here, ok?
lawl @ santah, try saying that to others first. idot.
What citizen said.
@Ranker you seem deliciously ignorant, so I'll let this one go
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