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sick play Inso! Unexpected and welcome.
Wow that was some amazing blink stalker play!
Inso's Stalker blink play made me feel like a virgin... for the very first time.
More and More I'm disliking TB - he misses fundamental game events like supply blocks, probe production, and money, he constantly gets things wrong (colosi give sight on ledges), he doesnt take note of chrono boosts and stalker vs sentry production, or gas timing. It's obvious he doesn't play this game, and the generic statements he makes are just blather. He makes calls like 4 gate isn't all in without going into the implications of a failed 4 gate. He could really improve his casting by having a more intimate knowledge of the game, but I'm worried he really is that clueless about the basic fundamentals of the game. Plus his constant white-ra cheer is kind of odd - every player at that level is amazing.
Stop watching play-by-play commentators if you want analytical commentary. It says so right on the lid. It is your fault if you continue to watch something that clearly doesn't provide what you want, but does provide what others want.
Chronoboosts, gas timing, stalker vs sentry production. Who fucking cares? In the case of my audience and demographic? Nobody. There are other commentators who can provide the analysis you are looking for. Blah blah blah, boring nitty-gritty details that are a massive turnoff for newer players or those who just want fast-paced entertainment.
And 4-gate isn't all in. All-in and cheese are completely overused phrases that should be thrown out of the vocabulary of any SC2 player and dare I say commentator. They imply extreme things that are often far from true.
"He obviously doesn't play this game", there are ladder matches of mine posted on this very website on a regular basis. Before questioning my knowledge, check your own.
Ow lol belial pwned by tb.
i dont think your that bad of a commentator, but I've already seen in multiple casts you get things wrong and fail to notice some pretty big things people do that - saying a banshee will beat a queen 1v1, not noticing a warp gate rush via chrono on the cyber until much later. And I have watched your games, whatever your league you aren't a high level player (nice BC rush in bronze). I don't mean to be mean, I think your voice is fine and clear, but I think you could really improve.
And you decided it would be a great idea to post some long diatribe on the TL forums about how much you dislike my casting. That wasn't particularly smart. I liked the part where you misrepresented what I said as well, that was quite cute.
You need to get this idea into your head. Your opinion != the only opinion. You like analytical casting? Most people don't. That's a fact, the two most popular Youtube commentators both lack analytical ability. Both get things outright wrong on a regular basis, the kind of things you're accusing me of. Do people stop watching them? No, they are still far and away more popular than any other caster. Why is that?
Because the majority of Starcraft 2 spectators would rather watch an entertaining play-by-play than a damn lecture. They do not CARE about chrono boosts, stalker vs sentry production or gas timing. They are not at school, they do not want to watch these casts to learn, they want to be entertained.
There are blatant mistakes in my casts, but at the end of the day it does not matter because it's not what people watch these casts for. They are capable of shrugging off things like 'banshee loses to queen' rather than writing an essay about it.
Stop watching my casts. You do not like play-by-play, you've admitted it yourself. Mistakes can be corrected but the style will not change. Expecting it to on your say so is as arrogant as picking up a tin of tomatoes and demanding it be full of corn instead because you will it to be so. It is clearly labelled what this actually is.
Oh and once again, get your knowledge straight. Appeared recently? I was casting at the start of SC2 beta, I've been around for ages.
TB is my favorite caster, because he doesn't induce the rage that HDStarcraft or Husky do with their extreme ignorance regarding EVERYTHING - And at the same time doesn't make me fast forward 5 minutes, like day[9]'s dailies. "OK, I get it. Larvae are resources. Now please can we see some fighting?"
TB is ENTERTAINING, which is what I'm looking for in a caster. If I want to improve my play I'll just watch my own games. Or, even *actually* play the game.
day9 dailies arent the same as games casted.
my point being, albeit too harshly, is that you could improve a lot by getting a more intimate knowledge of the game. I enjoy your casts, and would love to see more games casted by you. The post at TL was a blog so it was less objective than a rational argument. I dont think you are going to lose viewers because you become knowledgeable enough to foresee what's going on in the game before the units are killing eachother.
Belial. "Entertainment" casting needs to do 3 things: (1) make sure the action is on screen,(2) check the tabs for anything out of the ordinary and to see what the numbers results of a battle or harassment is, and (3) be fun to listen to. An analytical caster simply ads a 4th item for instruction/education. I watch a LOT of day9/psy but I also watch TB/Husky. I watch all of them for different reasons.
Just to be clear, TB is not JUST entertaining, he is well rounded and does the three things he's supposed to. The only thing he could do better is ignore trolls ;)
Hey TotalBiscuit, if you're reading this, in the name of all your viewers (minus 1 troll), huge thanks for entertaining hours of my life, and looking forward for many hours more. Please keep up the awesome work.
+1 to citizen
And +1 to TB for making the start of (normal) PvP entertaining. Keep up the fantastic work.
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