Man, these two are just so "just barely" GSL candidates. When I compare these (Taeja's micro, did you see the first push in game 1?!), (Super's lack of technology options lategame) to even middle level GSL players it's almost like comparing GM players with Gold players.
And then we're not even talking about the top GSL champion candidates whom are a league above everyone else (such as Dark, Maru, TY, Zest (especially in his prime))
These two are just so far off a round of 4 or even 8 still.
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Man, these two are just so "just barely" GSL candidates. When I compare these (Taeja's micro, did you see the first push in game 1?!), (Super's lack of technology options lategame) to even middle level GSL players it's almost like comparing GM players with Gold players.
And then we're not even talking about the top GSL champion candidates whom are a league above everyone else (such as Dark, Maru, TY, Zest (especially in his prime))
These two are just so far off a round of 4 or even 8 still.
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