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IdrAs scouting around the 13:30 mark y
LOL IDRA looser
gg by protoss
Day9 called it perfectly.
Sad to see someone get so outplayed and still win.
idra is sort of a sad person :(
Game 3, 8:33, launching 7 drones while you see the push coming, wtf... !?
Gazon you are right, although he didn't have much gas to make roaches... but zerglings would have still been better lol idk what he was thinking to make 7 drones
Was maybe thinking that it was a fake push but why gamble the loss like this? Too bad, I was expecting to see more games from him.
Hahaha game 3 is so funny and the qqer gets owned once again. xD
Yeah the 7 drones in game 3 lost him the game. 14 lings would have forced the toss to use ff differently, allowing IdrA to atleast to SOME damage. Instead IdrA loses 5 roaches to a ff donut hah. Still... Game 2 clearly illustrated that IdrA is a far better player.
@adun better player maybe, but idra lost, so he is a macro god, but you still can lose...
game 3 was just full of mindtricks, first chronoing the cybercore to make idra sacrifice an overlord.
Then getting 6 gates and making a pylon near his 3rd to make idra think he was going to get a 3rd and was just taking control of the watchtower (that was when he made 7 drones). Then idra just died :(
protoss suck!
Idra = bad decision making capabilities. Bad decision making lost him game 1, and game 3. I don't care how much income you have, if you don't know how and when to spend your resources, you don't deserve to get past RO32 in the TSL..
not only that, but in game 1, with Idra having a near max army when the toss was at 130, he shouldve been attacking then. Ya, the "death ball" is hard to deal with, but it takes a LONG FREAKING TIME to get there. Idra definitely couldve afforded to sack some units a few times to better prepare him for the late game, and really capitalize on his map control and income advantage.
Toss needs a nerf
From this day on, i'm a huge fan of CrunCher...
I loved he made Idra ragequit TWICE... hahahaha
yeah.. he should have remain in Korea.. since he comes back he's not shinning.. still playing that muta baneling vs terran.. bla.. but keep in mind for month he wrote the book on zerg for the western community.. eveyone knows his style.. because he's on the spotlight till so long.
still.. just find us new stuff dude.. you are Idra cmon
IdrA should be banned from all competitive play cause he's a bitch, and ragequits, never ggs, and isn't much better than most anymore! GG Cruncher, the best player won =)
@greycubed idra has no humility whatsoever, he was beaten in the first game fair and square, of course a void ray colossus 200 toss army is gonna own a zerg 350 tact.
Game 2 was amazing play by idra no doubt but still CrunCher gg'd like ALL other players do.
Game 3 a simple tactic by cruncher but so well executed and scouted and played badly by idra, at the end of the day he's a competitive player and should start acting like a professional instead of a 15 year old kid rage quitting when he was beaten by the better player on the day.
sincerly. even if being so bad manner, idra made a wonderful zerg dropping lesson in game 2.
cmon dude.. don't talk about manners.. it's all bullshit. its starcraft dudes.. its marins firing on aliens.. zealots slicing zerg meat.. why the hell should we behave like tea room.. rofl.. screw you
game 3's FFs were sick, but really 7 drones was odd. Its great to see the "badboy" get beaten, and it's good for SC2, no?
toss needs a nerf indeed !!!
I liked game2 alot, it's just epic terrorism from zerg.
overrateddra gets owned again. so happy. no respect for a bad mannered scrub like idra. he doesn't deserve any. gg cruncher.
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