it seems like stalkers are the hard protoss unit for zerg to counter cleanly, but brood lords must be about the worst possible answer
maybe keep the corruptors in the air, and just bust with roaches?
Comment # 2 by Xeptazael
lots of stalkers? banedrops like the guy playing against Artosis in NASL did and also like Spanishiwa does are very effective even if they blink, they blink back one time and you just keep on rolling
also i feel like he should have only sent 1-3 broods to harass the gold in the little empty spot where very few stalkers if any could have attacked without going to the other gold spot where he could have camped with hydras
Comment # 3 by AdunToridas
IdrA's broodlord palcement in game one was soooo bad. Blords should ALWAYS be in a spot unreachable by the protoss stalkers, or atleast above/behind your army to prevent the easy blink snipe.
Comment # 4 by LordChambers
How embarassing for Idra. Cheeses and loses.
Comment # 5 by kmisho64
It was one of the most painful losses I've seen. Almost like MC beat Idra's entire career. Maybe not. I hope not. But Idra seemed SO beaten.
I've seen this pattern from MC recently too. He will toy with players he's confident about beating so that when they lose they feel almost as if they have zero chance unless they cheese...but also they have zero chance if they cheese. It's practically a way to win two games by only winning one.
Comment # 6 by lifesized
too bad Idra, AGAIN. Better luck next time. Yeah, agree with comments above. Dude, those broodlords were not quite in a comfy spot with the blink stalkers nuzzling up to them. change your strat, get some infestors in the mix. (not that i can play;)
Comment # 7 by soprof
Bloodlords are not enought, you need position. Why wouldn't you attack gold from the other side?
Comment # 8 by jimmyboy2021
why no music??
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it seems like stalkers are the hard protoss unit for zerg to counter cleanly, but brood lords must be about the worst possible answer
maybe keep the corruptors in the air, and just bust with roaches?
lots of stalkers? banedrops like the guy playing against Artosis in NASL did and also like Spanishiwa does are very effective even if they blink, they blink back one time and you just keep on rolling
also i feel like he should have only sent 1-3 broods to harass the gold in the little empty spot where very few stalkers if any could have attacked without going to the other gold spot where he could have camped with hydras
IdrA's broodlord palcement in game one was soooo bad. Blords should ALWAYS be in a spot unreachable by the protoss stalkers, or atleast above/behind your army to prevent the easy blink snipe.
How embarassing for Idra. Cheeses and loses.
It was one of the most painful losses I've seen. Almost like MC beat Idra's entire career. Maybe not. I hope not. But Idra seemed SO beaten.
I've seen this pattern from MC recently too. He will toy with players he's confident about beating so that when they lose they feel almost as if they have zero chance unless they cheese...but also they have zero chance if they cheese. It's practically a way to win two games by only winning one.
too bad Idra, AGAIN. Better luck next time. Yeah, agree with comments above. Dude, those broodlords were not quite in a comfy spot with the blink stalkers nuzzling up to them. change your strat, get some infestors in the mix. (not that i can play;)
Bloodlords are not enought, you need position. Why wouldn't you attack gold from the other side?
why no music??
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