At the start of the game in TvZ, terran is way behind in economy, and gets gradually further behind as the game goes on.
T has to do significant damage just to equalize.
If both players avoid fighting, Zerg will always win. However, trading armies favors Zerg because Zerg armies rebuild faster.
How can this be balanced?
Comment # 2 by Aurelius
Idra rocks!
Comment # 3 by ScrambledRK
hmmm, interesting thesis - would like to read the reasoning :)
Comment # 4 by ScrambledRK
@laertes... sorry for double post -.-
Comment # 5 by phenom
The thing is, that zerg creates either drones or units, you have to force zerg into making units, so he can't drone up properly, you don't have to attack you just have to pretend that you are attacking and then with-draw, which will force an unit-creation which could have been drones
Comment # 6 by ipikop
Well deserved by IdrA.
Comment # 7 by JakeLOL
Ever heard of mules? Its actually the zerg thats behind until he gets his natural kicking.
Comment # 8 by R3NN11
amazing series. @laertes lulz gtfo terran are still dominating tournaments
Comment # 9 by aohx075
@laertes T has OP Marines
Comment # 10 by aohx075
Spanishiwa's strat seems more effective against T
Comment # 11 by uzas
@phenom so high level, you just pretend and thats it
Comment # 12 by ggBetNet
Idra is too strong. Only cheese get close and thats just lame. Macro and die!
Comment # 13 by phenom
@uzas, is ok not everyone can be so good like you :)
Comment # 14 by Swordfish
Wow, Idra is such a little bitch, Rage quitting those games like a little fucking emo kid, Man up grow some balls and fight it out untill the end. what a poor sportsman.
Comment # 15 by i8ramen
^ Idra still won and doesn't care, you fussy cock
Comment # 16 by direk
Muta = map control .... Zerg = macro win
Comment # 17 by Swordfish
@ i8ramen Idra could of wont the series a lot sooner if he wasn't such a emo bitch.
Comment # 18 by ghostwriter
@Swordfish Oh, could he have? Or he could have fought a bitter fight which he ultimately lost but, what's worse, allowed Select to gain just a tiny bit of momentum?
That, my friend, is what intelligence is capable of when armed with extreme confidence.
Comment # 19 by Loaded
lol op said Z was over powered vs T... k time to watch your second series of Starcraft 2
But glad to see Idra is a boss again, great series.. you dont see mutas used as much any more
Comment # 20 by soprof
Game 2: Lol leaving 120 supply vs. 100, with more eco and army. Great job.
Game 3: wow epic dota-like defence from hallions!
Game 4: terran is imba because he can push like this any moment in the game, without any problems to his eco. And what should "imba" zerg do, if he macroed up? And it's unscoutable as well, because of imba terran wall.
Game 5: if select didn't lose his tanks separately at his all-in push, could have done more damage.
laertes: That is a lie. If zerg gets the same army cost as terran does, he'll be behind ALL GAME.
If zerg doesn't get 1 more base when terran, he'll be behind ALL GAME. Terran is just stupid "get drones+mules and units", while zerg has to choose "drones or units?" and set ratio "drones/units". What is much, much more difficult even vs. low-skilled terrans.
Comment # 21 by 0zeeVegaNity
Talking about one army being OP vs another, or overall imho is very silly. There are definitely some builds that are very strong against other builds and in certain situations, but with everyone being able to scout, and everything having a counter, OP is a term that just smacks of bitterness to me.
On another note, I find IdrA's sudden quits/non-GG quits to be hilarious. But at the same time, what might seem like a crazy, out of the blue gg is a pretty fair tactical move, I think. (Like someone else mentioned) IdrA never let Select get much momentum going. By doing that throughout the entire series, I think Select had a very difficult time discovering IdrA's weaknesses and learning how to exploit them.
Good games, I think IdrA is among the best foreigners out there. Select as well, but his game just wasn't up to par.
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At the start of the game in TvZ, terran is way behind in economy, and gets gradually further behind as the game goes on.
T has to do significant damage just to equalize.
If both players avoid fighting, Zerg will always win. However, trading armies favors Zerg because Zerg armies rebuild faster.
How can this be balanced?
Idra rocks!
hmmm, interesting thesis - would like to read the reasoning :)
@laertes... sorry for double post -.-
The thing is, that zerg creates either drones or units, you have to force zerg into making units, so he can't drone up properly, you don't have to attack you just have to pretend that you are attacking and then with-draw, which will force an unit-creation which could have been drones
Well deserved by IdrA.
Ever heard of mules? Its actually the zerg thats behind until he gets his natural kicking.
amazing series. @laertes lulz gtfo terran are still dominating tournaments
@laertes T has OP Marines
Spanishiwa's strat seems more effective against T
@phenom so high level, you just pretend and thats it
Idra is too strong. Only cheese get close and thats just lame. Macro and die!
@uzas, is ok not everyone can be so good like you :)
Wow, Idra is such a little bitch, Rage quitting those games like a little fucking emo kid, Man up grow some balls and fight it out untill the end. what a poor sportsman.
^ Idra still won and doesn't care, you fussy cock
Muta = map control .... Zerg = macro win
@ i8ramen Idra could of wont the series a lot sooner if he wasn't such a emo bitch.
@Swordfish Oh, could he have? Or he could have fought a bitter fight which he ultimately lost but, what's worse, allowed Select to gain just a tiny bit of momentum?
That, my friend, is what intelligence is capable of when armed with extreme confidence.
lol op said Z was over powered vs T... k time to watch your second series of Starcraft 2
But glad to see Idra is a boss again, great series.. you dont see mutas used as much any more
Game 2: Lol leaving 120 supply vs. 100, with more eco and army. Great job.
Game 3: wow epic dota-like defence from hallions!
Game 4: terran is imba because he can push like this any moment in the game, without any problems to his eco. And what should "imba" zerg do, if he macroed up? And it's unscoutable as well, because of imba terran wall.
Game 5: if select didn't lose his tanks separately at his all-in push, could have done more damage.
laertes: That is a lie. If zerg gets the same army cost as terran does, he'll be behind ALL GAME.
If zerg doesn't get 1 more base when terran, he'll be behind ALL GAME. Terran is just stupid "get drones+mules and units", while zerg has to choose "drones or units?" and set ratio "drones/units". What is much, much more difficult even vs. low-skilled terrans.
Talking about one army being OP vs another, or overall imho is very silly. There are definitely some builds that are very strong against other builds and in certain situations, but with everyone being able to scout, and everything having a counter, OP is a term that just smacks of bitterness to me.
On another note, I find IdrA's sudden quits/non-GG quits to be hilarious. But at the same time, what might seem like a crazy, out of the blue gg is a pretty fair tactical move, I think. (Like someone else mentioned) IdrA never let Select get much momentum going. By doing that throughout the entire series, I think Select had a very difficult time discovering IdrA's weaknesses and learning how to exploit them.
Good games, I think IdrA is among the best foreigners out there. Select as well, but his game just wasn't up to par.
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