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Idra must be scratching his head again. How do you scratch deeper than the surface against an opponent as good as MC?
Idra should try new strategies against protoss. Seriously.
When will he learn that roach-hydra doesn't work against protoss with immortals/colossi.
I know a new strategy; play terran.
still dont understand why idra isn't taking notes from other korean zerg players that rather go for the ling roach approach.
just +1 lings and +1 roach wouldve devastated this army of mc
This version SC2 no one zerg (Idra, Dimaga etc.) does't know what to do with Protoss simple strategy like this.
You still do not understand why? Because you are genius and they are mediocrity.
there is only one strategy for zerg - All in before colossus come out.
Have you ever heard about this NESTEA guy ?
He got nice ZvP :)
Granted, Idra is a little predictable, but Idra was 40-50 food ahead in each of these games and got roflstomped. Protoss OP, imo
honestly i think Idra was a little off his game in these videos. He could have won game 1 if he pushed after winning that battle in the center and killing all the colossi, but instead he fell back and let MC max his army again. Then in game 2 he took a huge macro lead and decided to go mass roaches instead of teching up.
Idra is too careless with his units some times. Rallying in 10-12 roaches straight to the death. Also hes not being proactive enough with tech switches, he has a long way to go when it comes to creativity
Idra starting to GG the games.. tt.. damn
these zergs have been so lackluster - there playing like toss players trying to build up and fighting head on, they need to use the mobility to its maximum advantage.
there are basically 2 things you essentially must do as zerg - prevent or at least slow the enemy expos by using mobility, and force constant fights that dont allow the toss to get any heavy sentry/other unit synergy.
these zergs rely way to much on drone pumping which is the most abratct advantage -ie it only gives you more units but dosent make those units any more efficient really given that zerg has little unit synergy.
they also rarely surround or do multi angled attacks...there just asking to fail.
Protoss herp derp in with mass blink stalkers against 50+ more food of roaches, and the battle looks like lings throwing themselves at BF hellions. Blizzard had the wrong idea when they designed zerg. Series like this prove it time and time again.
What a trainwreck. So enjoyable.
No, other races are not OP...haven't heard of Nestea, Stephano, DRG, Violet, Symbol, Zenio...and a LOT more Zerg players who can crush Terran and Protoss? I wish Idra would stop making excuses so he can focus on his own strengths and weaknesses. USA needs to represent.
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