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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Incredibly entertaining creative play!
sickk archon play yo
what was spanishiwa thinking running all his force into cruncher main :?
#3, he ran the zerglings into the main because they would be absolutely useless vs the zealot/archon army.
So instead he did a run by into Crunchers main to do some economic damage and give him some time to build roaches.
Regardless, Spanishiwa isn't a anywhere near a top player and doesn't have much chance vs any of the decent ones, but, he can be fun to watch.
It's always nice to see the two cheesiest and lamest players face off.
Spanishiwa with his clean and refined builds, executed with precision and focus, shows yet again why he belongs at the top tier of competitive SC2.
if only zerg had a unit that did bonus damage to EVERY enemy unit..... aka the archon. Bliz felt they needed the recent buff too. please... They were just underused by lame protoss not under balance. Same goes for the Ghost cost reduction. Just underused because their other units are so good.
"if only zerg had a unit that did bonus damage to EVERY enemy unit..... aka the archon. Bliz felt they needed the recent buff too. please... They were just underused by lame protoss not under balance. Same goes for the Ghost cost reduction. Just underused because their other units are so good."
Blizzard only increased the range of Archons. They already did Bio damage when the game was released. You should have seen them in Brood War too as they were even better with crazy splash damage.
TLDR: QQ LESS Fineyouwin.
Archons aren't unbalanced. Spanishiwa just didn't have the tech to deal with them. A broodlord/infestor mix would have cleaned them up.
If you want to see a proxy hatch work, watch CatZ. If you want to see offensive spine crawlers work, watch Nestea, Idra, or Sen. If you want to watch the most overrated player of all time lose with retarded cheese, check out Spanishiwa
Watching those Archons float around clubbing baby seals was depressing.
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