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Long live the Emperor
honestly guys, don't u think EMP is a way too strong? imo there should be an EMP with AoE which drains only shields (and mb something similar like feedback just for ghosts on single target).
even a good spread doesn't change anything: 6, 7 ghosts and u make emps like a nuke :)
mb feedback range should be raised...
That was kind of standard...
Yeah, pretty standard play. IMO, pretty bad unit comp for killer in game 2... but I'm sure he wanted to attack with the immortals and felt too much drop pressure from boxer
EMP is definitely too strong. It does more damage than storm, it does it instantly and in a twice as big of an area. On top of that it wipes out caster energy and is on a unit that is fast, has high normal dps and can stealth.
Out of the three damage AoE spells, EMP, Storm and Fungal; Storm is by far the weakest at the moment. As it has a tiny area, little damage and no secondary effect.
no i htink storm is too strong.....
Killer made hardly any probes and no upgrades in game 2. Boxer risked it for the biscuit by pumping workers and upgrades, and it worked out perfectly.
Also, I just think P should stop going storm versus T.
HTs are so fucking slow & weak, any clever Terran can manipulate that.
emp is NOT twice the area of storm, its only a lil bigger. and it only does damage against toss.
wow, toss can't put all their units in one big ball because they'll be EMP'd. they have to play like terran does again zerg (banes), or against HTs
Like Terran does against Zerg?
Like, Siege up the tanks, Stim the marines and just run back? Any competent Terran runs back without splitting, as it is not necesarry...
Ghost vs HT is unfair, EMP range is longer than Feedback (radius of splash), and againt a cloacked ghost nothing works. HT are more expensive than Ghosts, so going Cloak Snipe Snipe is even cost- effective. I think EMP should be harder to target or maybe in a smaller range.
Since the Kaydarian nerf, Ghosts > Protoss hardcore. No way to defend, and HTs are vulnerable as hell.
BoxeR once again doesn't show me a reason why I should love him, or why he is the emperor.
He just plays standard, but way more abusive of balance flaws than other players. It's not like he has some superior skillset, just abusive play.
At least boxer is winning again. To bad its with OP T
i refuse to build templar for that reason; they're too weak, lol. emp makes storm look like a joke in tvp. u even have to pay for storm as an upgrade... u don't have to for emp. emp = instant storm + area feedback. emp outranges feedback too... emp needs a nerf whether it's in range, area, or shield damage.
David Kim's already come out to say Terran is weak late game and that the rest is more or less balanced. I wish Protoss wouldn't start the whining now. Leave that to the Zerg players. EMP has been nerfed enough. Give me a awy to make mech play not a total joke, and you can have your stupid EMP buff. Til then, since we HAVE to make due with infantry, don't fucking complain.
yes, emp is infact too strong, and its funny that it takes the caliber of players like oGsMC to be able to win against any good terran korean pro gamer. As protoss you gotta outplay the terran opponent hugely it feels like, to be able to win, or to punish the terran player by hitting some lucky/clever timing push, in a straight up 200/200 fight, terran can a-move and just pop a few emps to hardcounter toss.
Have any of you even tried playing Terran? Ghosts are literally the ONLY unit Protoss does not have a hard counter to. You wanna go back in time one path and undo the Thor nerf I'm all for it...
think a race is OP? stop your bitching and switch races. All have exploitable strengths and weaknesses.
tl;dr shut up pussies
Yikes ! Who took out the pacifiers from the babies?
#15: wtf? everything is coutnerable EXCEPT the ghost, this makes it so imba. avoid EMP = difficult. split up forces = 4, 5 ghosts = 4, 5 emp. feedback: u get stimed down by a bunch of units or even sniped.
dude, think honestly logical.
i've already switched to Z; P is not playable atm
Holy shit, immaculate play by boxer.
wèèèèèèèèèè!! wèèèèèèè!! wèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè!!!
It is kinda funny that every time a unit like [insert] starts to get used to it's fullest potential some people think of it as overpowered.
If you are one of the people that says units are overpowered maybe you ought to try to solve the problem you have instead.
I don't think current units are op, some builds on some of the maps might be.
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