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It's great that Destiny doesn't rush for a third. I think the old mantra that 'zerg must always be one base ahead' does not apply to Destiny's style.
I agree with Petroz. Though i think spending your money on an extra hatch is easier, spending it on tech and upgrades like Destiny favors to do works out just fine.
is this the same ace that won a mlg (maybe dallas, maybe before that, dont remember) and didn't even lose a game until the very finals when he lost one game against moon. also, he forge fe'd almost the whole tourny thats when it seemed to of gotten popular as a expo.
anyway, im asking if this is the same ace cause destiny just f*$%ing 2-0'd him :O
He doesn't rush for third because he uses his gas on infestors, meaning zero roaches or banes. That means he's extremely vulnerable early game and being denied a third (thats why he massed spines). Zerg generally chooses between fast third or lair. In the 2nd game he read a 2 base timing attack, so he did one himself with a somewhat lucky metagame attack (hiding spire, opponent assumed infestors, would've lost if ace saw spire). In the first game he kinda did rush a third.
So I gotta say I think you guys don't really know what your talking about, or at least dont play zerg. As we saw in g1, infestors absolutely need hive tech or it gets owned, as well as mass upgrades, which means you can't even do anything until you have 3 bases, preferably 4. Compared to roach or old style of play where Zerg could put aggression once they got 2 bases. So while infestors absolutely need 3 bases and hive to even fight (or baneling rain, which is extremely cost costly as well and die), once you get your 4th it's not as crucial you stay 1 base ahead anymore due to infestor and hivetech cost efficiency.
So yea, Zerg needs to be a base ahead unless they are using mass infestor/hivetech, or are doing a cute 2 base attack with surprise tech.
Destiny plz take my butt verginity
Clearly Ace was not playing at his best. I wonder what the results would be if this was a best of 7. I am sure ace just has not seen this style a while lot.
? I think you're confusing different players. The only korean to have won an MLG is MMA (Columbus). The player that comes to mind when "not losing a game until the very finals" of an MLG is Naniwa (Dallas). Ace did defeat Moon in the IEM Season V world championship, but won 3-2, so he didn't lose only one game to Moon.
Nice comment #4
Good match. Day9 and Husky are developing very good rapport as well.
Comment 6: He was still playing well. In game 1, he got templars because he knew destiny would go infestors. He just got caught out of position a few times. In game 2 he got owned because of insufficient scouting and expecting (as was I, the casters, and probably everyone else that knows anything of Destiny) his typical zergling/infestor comp. He lead the toss on by hiding the spire and poking aroudn with a bunch of zerglings so really it wasn't that Ace played that one bad, Destiny just pulled a very cunning sucker punch.
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