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Sharp vs HerO (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Am I the only who noticed the time in game 3? :D
He sure hates blink-stalkers.
He watched the Day9 daily with Destiny from the look of his build.
Idra is the joke. He's such a whiner. He build like 1 corruptor and didn't neural parasite a single collosus. In short, he didn't deal with the collosus at all, and his units were ravaged by them. In the next game, a solid fake-out actually cost a lot of money, but was very effective. Even after realizing there were no colossus, he never built a single infestor and his ling count was pretty low. He was out-played. Simple as that.
nothing new here, just a lil bitch on show.
lmao I love Idra, but that was horrible... Did he forget he had Infestors less than a minute away from popping with fungal growth ready? He actually had that game won...again lol.
Oh lord, IdrA's going to start using infestors too. This could get ugly for Protoss.
Are you kidding me with game 3? There was no reason for IdrA to engage in the middle there or gg with 40 supply lead. He could've backed up, thrown down spines and held off a pack of stalkers and just 2 immortals with no sentries. He'd already done a ton of economic damage.
Even with that bad engagement he still had like a 30 supply lead and a better econ. Ridiculous leaving like that. A Protoss army without sentries or colossi isn't that terrifying.
I cringe everytime Idra uses roaches to go up against force fields with colossi backup. Roaches can't dispell force fields.
Why does he torture himself like that? I'm sure he should learn by now that, that doesn't work.
Collosus should have a slower movement speed
I kind of agree with his decision to leave. His "supply lead" was largely tied up in corruptors. He has 6 roaches and only 2 infestors building. He really didn't have enough roaches to buffer for the infestors. Having just lost 2 bases, I'm fairly certain he was really low on larva. Roaches alone are not good against blink stalkers with a few immortals mixed in. Supply lead or not, he was at an extreme disadvantage and was about to start losing bases really quickly. Still, it's a tournament and stranger things have happened. Agh deserved a GG tho. He fought very well, displayed some good skill, and beating Idra is no small task. Idra was probably mad at himself more than anything else. He fell for the robo bay fake-out and *way* overcommitted to corruptors.
aohx075 do u agree that infestors should be slowered to? their like the fastest unit on creep?
Should they also make Thor and ultralisk attackable with antiair units suchas vikings,corruptors and pheonix? i mean why should coll be attackable but the other races not.
Glad to see some new protoss faces beating zergs tho :D
Idra's biggest problem: he's not a dynamic player. He just uses concrete builds and doesn't adjust when things don't go as planned. Like after he got faked out by the robo, why was he still making corruptors? And I can't believe he still continues to try to run his roaches through force fields. He's been losing to that for well over a year now.
Also, his bm in game 2 was uncalled for. How is it a joke to lose to collosus when you're only massing roaches/lings?
Idra used to be my favorite player because of his strong macro skills, but he's so slow to adapt that he loses to most new strategies these days.
@Majk Because ultralisks and thors arent as powerful as colossus. This might be rather simply speaking but.. Colossus: range and AoE. Ultralisks: only AoE. Thors: only range.
lold so hard @ 12.
game 2 was entirely his mismicro going nuts and game 3 = idra being idra.
Idra will never be a top player due to his mentality. He cannot grasp why he loses, each time he just thinks it is due to balance. And as such, he doesn't refine his style.
weeee, let's rush to 200 supply of roaches every game and use the other units poorly lol.
lol idra is still my home boy
Game 2 coloxosusus derp. What was blizzard thinking when they designed a unit as effective as the coloxus, that requires NO player skill what so ever. They go from Shuttle Reaver micro to 1 a derp coloxo stomp. Might as well let siege tanks climb cliffs and move while in siege mode (oh just reduce their range to 9 and itl be ok).
Game 2 was Idra messing up. He didn't make any of the hard counter unit, corruptors, against the colossus. Instead, he just a-moved roaches and hope he would win since they are so strong against everything. Thankfully due to massive blink micro that didn't happen.
It is like throwing only zealots against brood lords and expect to win. You have to make the proper counter. I am not so sure why so many lesser Zerg players whine on balance each time their a-move roaches doesn't win them the game straight up.
Seems like all the really upvoted IdrA games are those where he loses. Kinda spoiled it for me. I guess people really like watching him lose.
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