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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Retarded casters... It's so funny when IdrA just leaves the game... right...
It's so funny how Blizzard maps force Zergs to either auto- lose, or take fucked up scouting paths because Terran might actually consider proxying buildings... failgame
Orb sucks as a caster just as much as he does as a player
LOOLOLOL omg look at this dumbass fanboy above me, Idra needs to learn to play different styles instead of mutah/bling for 5 games in a row..oh wait the FIRST game he won was roaches.. sorry idra just fucked up and got beat by a better player. get over it.
Idra cries too much. These maps are all zerg friendly. What screws IdrA over is the fact that he has only ONE style really. He never changes it up. He does it in game one then goes back to muta/bling/ling.
I thought it was a good series considering it was 3-2 at the end of a 5 game series. Idra could have done some tech switching and maybe had a better chance, but it was really good play by Heart.
Solid play by Heart. IdrA slipping lately.
infestor ?
A big thx to the casters -- I really like your style.
A big "hello" to the GG.Idra ...ehm... EG.Idra fanboy above. Your comment is ok. But I've seen better rage-comments. Keep working on it.
Orb sucks.
Idra's problem, along with many other zerg players, is that he does the same thing every game, and other players exploit it... come on
The thing is: Idra is just bad mannered. Even if you are angry and think you lost because this game is a bit imba he should be ashamed of his behavior because it insults the other players. His message is always that if he looses its imba and if he wins its skill.
In every discipline in life you have to accept that there are some that can beat you from time to time even if you are one of the best in the world (Ok ok Usain Bolt don´t count - he´s perhaps not human ;) )
Idra is a little angry kid and he should learn to be a man with correct and respectful behaviour, especially when he looses.
GG.Idra... loving it.
He's gonna have to win something again at some point because people aren't going to keep forgiving him for being a BM piece of trash.
It's sad to see he just keeps doing the same thing over and over and over again. Learn how to use Infestors!
It's so hilarious with all the QQ.Idra whining... Keep it up Idra, you can do it worse next time...
P.S. : I think Zerg have more units other than ling/bling/mutas but i'm not sure, maybe it's my idea...
Irda do you know you arent best player in the world? :) but seriously if someone overplay you... you start whining about everything the map, the units, the imbalance of the game could you think he just played that match better than you? seems not. Use your brain sometimes ;) as zerg if you see 6+ way spam mutas to dead...but build infestation pit ^^ and fungal them down with some banes support not spaming same units like ta**
Well played anyway ;)
Jesus christ he DID NOT RAGE, he just didn't typed gg. What the hell is wrong with you people. Do you feel violated cause some player didn't gg'd other player?! wtf guys
I don't care whether he types gg or not, he's still embarrassingly bad considering how much time he spends practicing and how many years experience he has. Where the fuck is his micro? where the fuck is his strategy? He still plays like an SC:BW player.
I think it's time for IdrA to rename himself to total_joke... Man, you suck!
GET LOST!!! ahaha
Well played by Heart, Idra too. lol@people who say idra is top 3 control, that is probably the worst aspect of his gameplay.
And you're gross.
Maybe you really don't know it; so here's a short explanation:
Idra has earned his reputation. His manner has improved, though. But still people refer to him as being kind of a bad guy. Altough, as some caster (don't know his name) once pointed out: Compared to other sports' "bad guys", it's a joke really. You probably have to be a nerd to be offended by Idra's BM. Well, I am a nerd of some sort.
The "GG" might just be two letters, but to some they are as important as the handshake after a tennis match.
LOL # Idra. Love to see him nerd raging and leaving the game
It's funny how much attention you all pay on IdrA saying or not saying the GG in the end. Do you watch these games only to see if he gg's?!? And how is it your problem if he gg's or not? I think he should gg but as long as I am not the one playing against him, I DONT FUCKING CARE!!! I think this gg thing is just getting old and I am seriously tired of it, so if you get offended by it just skip the end of the video and you are fine! I think you will know anyway when the games are over. Comments about his gameplay or the sometimes lacking mirco are very welcome and I thank everyone for these comments. - So thank you if you actually read this whole comment :D
You're welcome.
So sweet
is there are reason for Idra to not build a spine in game 2? he could have started one when the bunker was not finnished and the terran most likely could not have stopped it.. and a finished spine more or less stops the rush or am I wrong? Most of the people holding these rushes uses spines but Idra seems to hate just that... why
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