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Z needs a buff
No :P Zerg needs a nerf to infestors.. and they are getting one next patch.
Bomber is a great player though.
well said cyphorian
The only reason there is that many Terrans in the finals or that many terrans winning championships is because in Korea there is a strong tradition of playing terran. U have so much more koreans playing thel rather than Protoss or Zerg.
And when u have much more of one race, the probability that a Terran wins gets higher it's simple math.
Zerg on the other hand needs little nerfs imo. It is just impossible to keep up with the economy of a zerg.
The bannelings and the infestors r OP and their splash damage is without frendly fire (unlike tanks and high templars)
Nice Nice Games
yeah, i think there's a reason why terran or toss are always champion. Specially terran. They are op.
So whoever wins a championship is OP! In that case someone tell UEFA that Barca is OP and needs to be nerfed. Oh, I forgot... there is a possibility that the winner is the best player but that's only me and my silly ideas...
P.S.: I think Coca will dominate next tournaments. He only lost because of his mistakes, mostly on game 4.
I'm with the simple math guy, the reason that 60% of the GSL is Terran is just that when you randomly distribute players among 3 races, they all gravitate towards the undeniably better race
cyphorian, Elios and Erufailon,
What the hell? How can you watch games 3 and 4 and say that Z need a nerf? How hard should it be to actually kill a Terran? Dominate the early attacks, destroy every worker, prevent multiple expansion attempts and they can still push and win with mule fuelled tank marine. Game 4 just makes me mad. What mistake did Coca make that compares to Bomber losing ALL his scvs, a command center multiple marine armies and forgetting to build combat shields?
If Bomber had killed 20 drones with blue flame the game would be OVER. If Z do it they have a chance? Feels like Zerg has to win 3 games in a row to get a single match
And Elios, give banes friendly fire and you may as well remove them from the game. At least tanks don't die whenever they attack... Just because you can't win every game with mass marine doesn't mean something's wrong.
Nicely said silverdrone.
Infestors are the only cost effective units a Z has
Personally I'm strongly opposed to the upcoming Infestor nerf,but all the whining has got to stop. Terran has gotten nothing but nerfs since the game got released and every time, the best players adapt. Coca went 2-0 against Puma... Guess that means Zerg is OP?
The complaints keep coming cause of the frustration players experience from the imbalance. If the game was truly balanced you wouldn't have this level of whining.
On top of zerg's already weak units you have macro imbalance introduced in SC2 with Chrono Boost, Larva injection and Mules. In theory if every player was a robot and never missed a timing then all is even. However players WILL forget and energy will build up. When this happens Z are hit the hardest.
T can spam down mules. P can spam chrono boost on their Nexus, warpgate or tech structure. Yet Z can only inject once putting them behind all other races. In a game lasts 20 minutes, you will have roughly 30 "opportunities" to inject larva. If you only hit 18-20 of them that theoretically puts your 30% behind a T which is quite significant. When you have multiple hatcheries and are busy microing this percentage will increase even further pulling zerg even further behind.
Yeah guys, shut up and get shit on
Seriously, guys? i don't think Coca floating 1.8k minerals was due to terran being OP. GGs, well played by Bomber. Looking forward to seeing more out of Coca, I don't think he was playing his best this series!
Although i will agree with aohx075, larva inject is a very stupid mechanic and I hope zerg gets some serious reworking with heart of the swarm. Something tells me they will :)
Oh really? So then everyone complains, so that proves imbalance? Because I hear Terran players bitch and moan about infestors and Protoss players bitch and moan about Ghosts, so yeah, everything's OP. Coca was COMPLETELY undefeated until this match up (against several EXCELLENT Terran players), maybe he just got outplayed? Hitting your injects on time is, yes, difficult and crucial. BUT if you do hit the perfectly, you WILL be ahead.
I really wish Blizzard wouldn't patch the game so 100% of the GSL became Terran and all these platinum Terran idiots would be proven absolutely, objectively wrong
I'm not going to go into balance concerns, but this I will say: People need to stop commenting on Zergs floating minerals.
1- Often Zergs float minerals because they do not have enough of their most vital resource, Larvae.
2- Often Zergs float minerals because part of their strategy is tech switching and/or fast army rebuilding. You can't quickly rebuild an army with 400 minerals. You see great players float minerals all the time so they can quickly spawn 10 mutas (or something else) at once.
Who's calling the Infestor patch a nerf? IMO Zerg is getting a buff in the next patch. Brofestor damage is becoming standard against armor instead of 30% it will be 40 damage always.
Also, the Overseers are getting a cost reduction and the Ultra's are getting a build time reduction. :) :) :) if you call that a zerg nerf...bliz keep nerfing zerg :)
I think the main difference between zerg and terran is this:
If with terran, you leave your units stationed and forgotten, they can still do massive damage (like tanks and marines) and be untouched by a very big army.
If with zerg you do that, all your units rush into their deaths without dealing any damage at all.
With zerg you have to be controling your units all the time and hitting perfect encounters and angles if you want to win. You can't just gain territory and go macro back home.
@silverdrone Can you understand english? When did I said that zerg needs nerf? What I said is that we dont have to QQ everytime some race wins a title. I said that whoever wins is because he is a better player and not because his race is OP. Coca's mistake in game 4 is that he exchanged bases with opponent when he was ahead and forgot about his army! If he defended his bases he would have won the match because terran did not had any economy left, that was his mistake. You dont do a base race when you are 2 bases ahead.
NO RACES NEED ANY NERFS!! ...learn to play...Zerg economy and map control play requires massive amounts of raw APM to maintain...Terran whinners need to try and manage 6-7 bases late game while trying to punch through a 3 base terran wall.
AND Zerg whinners are no better...Terran is NOT op...they require perfect placement of units and buildings...non stop upgrading ..and serious drop play.
This game is very well balanced...and instead of time spent complaining should be spent practicing.
Mules OP???? ( LEARN TO MACRO ZERGS!!!! )
All I have to say is: BOMBER AMANDA!
great games - cr*p player though
Fungal is going to be like 30(40 vs armored) instead of something like 36(130% to armored) or 36(42), so yeah, it's a slight nerf on all fronts. Not a big deal.
BTW dark, Ghosts just buttfucking suck against infestors. Infestors are not OP, but the answer is lots of dropping (since infestors are slower and lose you map control compared to infestors) and making more tanks.
compared to mutalisks*
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