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i don't remember if i've seen the same build from Thorzain ever.. he is funky
Zerg need a proper tier 1 anti-air. Queens are pathetic and hydras are too big of an investment
^ 4 Spores + 4 Queens would have shut this down. 3 base requires 3 queens + creepqueen anyways.
It wasn't scouted, that was the strenght of this build.
Well, Protoss is forced to go Robo every single game vs Terran to get detection (due to cloaked banshees). So I don't see why Zerg shouldn't have to build some anti-air.
Though Banshees are too strong and Terran has too many harass options. Banshees, Reapers, Hellions, marine drops. Banshees really shouldn't two shot workers either.
it was a gimmick build, and it went completely unscouted by a zerg playing greedy. if banshees don't look like gods here, what chance would they have in the other 99% of games?
That was really tricky by Thorzain. I think he deliberatly placed the CC close by the ramp knowing it would be scouted by lings to make the build seem more like a no-gas expand or just some kind of hellion into FE play.
I mean, the build is only strong because it was completely unscouted. It's not like Zerg has any issue at all dealing with banshees if they know it's coming.
Thorzain is capable of playing any terran build/style, and playing it well. And he often uses builds no one has even seen before.
Two port banshee is nothing new, but Thorzain's execution was perfect (the execution of this build is all about not having it scouted.
What I would really like to have seen is what he would have done if zerg scouted it. Because I'm sure there was a planned transition, and transitions out of 2 port banshee are hard to come by.
What the fuck are you guys talking about "if zerg had scouted it"? How could he have scouted it? What little options zerg has for scouting (zergling, slow-as-balls overlord) are completely killed by terran's wall-in and marines around the perimeter (as in this game).
if nerchio felt blind, you would see him force the scout and/or make 2 spores at each base. The problem was he thought he wasn't blind because Thorzain tricked him.
#8 You can suicide an overlord early, pop ling up the front (if you don't see an attachment on the barracks something fishy is going on), steal gas, make an early evo in a position that helps against helions (thereby also giving you access to spores as well), make excess queens...
Why is it always people assume there's nothing they can do rather than look for an answer?
yep, he put command center close to ramp so it can be scouted.
Hurray. Smart people commenting!
Who else lol'd at the APM difference at the end?
I see a bunch of Terran players here telling Zergs how to "scout." The only problem is that they clearly don't play Zerg or understand how tight the early game vs Terran is. Terran has about 9 openings vs Zerg and Zerg has, what, 2 openings?
Showing a fast CC as a "trick" doesn't speak to skill or cunning of the player, it speaks to the horrible state of Zerg scouting early game, and how easy it is to exploit that weakness.
Don't really understand how this game is rated so highly? The casting archon is great as always, but the game is one sided cheese play through and through.
And people are right, zerg scouting around that time is difficult if not impossible. Nothing can come up the ramp to see the starports. No overlord will make it so very far into the base without getting killed by just 1 or 2 marines.
Besides, Zerg is supposed to be adaptive, but right now Terrans have too many openings to which the zerg player has to respond perfectly in order to survive..
t t
Clearly there are two sides to this problem...
(1) Those who see the solutions to defending against a clever and perhaps cheesy build and...
(2) Those stoopid idiots who winge and cry like babies everytime their race seems to loose (not when they win)...its just sad and pathetic. Go play with yourselves and careful you don't get nerfed doing it...
Watch Destiny vs SjoW game 1 (Sunday Night Fights cast by: Adebisi & Matron on Oct 03, 2011 @ YouTube )
...same result unfortunately but much closer game.
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