The casting computer had some issues... the first movie is really too dark most of the time. Anyway, good games, I wish the third lasted more.
Comment # 2 by DeezCashews
typical rage quit from yours truly
Comment # 3 by BumpySugar
HAHAHA, the mothership/archon toilet is so broken. What a joke. That was IdrA's game... you can even see it on WhiteRa's face at the end of game 3.
Comment # 4 by gtct001
Idra is such a baby, he's the biggest sore loser in the whole sc2 scene. I'm surprised he even said gg.
Idra is good, but he's not great. Moreover he's totally predictable, and will never deviate from a "standard" build. If I were in charge of EG, I'd drop his ass. The income that he brings in wouldn't be worth the headaches and tarnishing the name of a great gaming team.
Comment # 5 by legofranak
More idrama...
Comment # 6 by breathfan
Idra is such a pussy.....
Comment # 7 by SFHFWill
I like IdrA and think he's a great additon to EG. He does need to work on his behavior but I know when I play and I'm going against protoss it definately feels like it's this uphill fight no matter how hard I drone or how far ahead I get econ wise.
Comment # 8 by verinelghinyrr
gtc did you see the last mlg? idra was tearing it up against alot of top koreans.
Anyhow that was an exciting set to watch. White-Ra special tactics didn't see to work super well against Idra's D, but that warp prism harass in game 3 was pretty epic. Archon toilet is OP yet awesome to watch.
Comment # 9 by the_Jastro
Why are people calling it a rage quit?
1. All of his brood lords were killed
2. His bases were low on minerals with his 4th about to be killed
3. And he had no gas at all to make anything other than lings....
White-ra had plenty resources and more incoming. Idra said gg and you still call it rage quit. Wtf?
Comment # 10 by tobiastj
Comment # 11 by Supernova
@the_Jastro - totally correct. No gas vs that army = gg.
Comment # 12 by Kronoboost
What is White-Ra special tactics - make a lot of Colossus? Blizzard nerfed parasite and left zerg unprotected against Colossus. Very special tactic - pump Co;ossus as many as you can.
Comment # 13 by WolfintheSheep
@gtct001 - Wins IEM, Top 8 IPL 3, 4th at MLG, Top 12 ESWC
In the past month, he's beaten Puma, Boxer, HongUn, Bomber, Thorzain, and a handful of other Code B and Code A Koreans.
If you were on EG Management and tried to drop Idra, everyone with a brain would drop YOU instead.
Comment # 14 by harlton
Yep, I agree completely with Kronoboost; nerf parasite, buff warp prism = Protoss pretty tough to beat for zerg.
Comment # 15 by XsStickyicky
Great games! Idra didn't rage, he gg'd.
Idra had no gas left when he left.
gg White-Ra!!
Comment # 16 by chowies
fucking retards. idra gg-ed. it wasnt as if he meant it sarcastically, oh protoss so OP you played SO WELL protoss G G! a gg is a gg, it is what it means. dont read too much into it
Comment # 17 by TheWhiskey
Wow... People in this forum is pretty retarded.
I am no fan boy of IdrA, but seems like many just love to hate IdrA.
Fact 1) That was no rage quit. Any player with a proper game sense, would GG after that engagement.
Fact 2) IdrA is good. Saying otherwise is just stupid. Look at his freakin' results. He beats even the best of the Koreans, with a reasonable win rate.
Fact 3) IdrA haters are retard, but I highly respect IdrA critics -> Hell, I am one myself.
Comment # 18 by NotInventedHere
I totally agree. Finally Idra has grown up, being a dick gets you nowhere is Asia so he had to eventually, he said GG and was perfectly dignified as far as I could tell.
As for why he GG'd; as stated above, he needed another expand while constant harrass was pinning him and his 4th was going to fall.
He is a great player (meaning NON Korean player), but once you out macro him he really has very little as his strength lies is his ability to dominate this way. All I can say it White-ra again shows that he is still a player to be reconded with.
Gotta love the Whit-Ra - THE BEAST FROM THE EAST!
Comment # 19 by Killman
Great play from White-Ra!
Comment # 20 by AddeDaMan
Wonderful game, from both players. Lovely to see someone like White-Ra who can more or less nullify the mass-muta playstyle which iDra has used so much lately.
/ Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The
Comment # 21 by cyphorian
Dudes.. idra didnt ragequit, you are talking nonsense.
Idra had 100 gas left.. he couldnt replenish any versatile army so he was dead, end of story.
And casters are totally in the dark xD haha
Comment # 22 by Stef
WhiteRa's move by the end of game 3 BEFORE the last big battle won him the series imho: warping in 4 zealots to deny the 12 o'clock hatch, then positionning his army on the way of idrA's units. He took out a good amount of roaches and corruptors by surprise, that enabled him to win the last battle.
Comment # 23 by dc_existential
Very great games by both players. Idra dominated game 1, and games 2 and 3 were both well fought. I was rooting for WhiteRa, but I was impressed by IdrA's manners. To the IdrA haters... you're just as pathetic as the IdrA fanboys.
HD's casting was better than his usual (meaning I didn't cringe from random outside references or completely wrong calls in game strat), but both casters at the end of game 3 completely missed the big picture. "Idra really was never behind! I don't understand." "I don't know why he left there." Really? WhiteRa was on 5 base (2 fully saturated), while IdrA was on 4 (1 almost saturated, but about to go down)? 1500 vs 300 banked gas? IdrA just lost his army, and new units were getting killed off almost as fast as they could spawn? I don't know... maybe IdrA should have tried to regroup and drag the game out until there was absolutely no hope of winning, but this is one game even I (as badly as I suck at SC2) can easily see why IdrA left.
Comment # 24 by x10unit1
I don't know about you but I laughed when they were showing idra right before he put in his ear buds. He shook his head and had a disappointed "Really? WTF!" look on his face. Loved it.
Comment # 25 by Madrox
It was GG when Idra left. No gas, one expansion down, about to lose his fourth, no greater spire and he just lost all his gas heavy units. I mean think about killing the remaining army with just spinecrawlers and lings, plus having to expand in the middle of that. It wasn't possible against Whitera.
Comment # 26 by pataphor
Video quality needs improvement!
Comment # 27 by Beeker
Very enjoyable games. WhiteRa did good. IdrA wasn't at his best.
Comment # 28 by Schandro
*** Spoiler Alert... ****
I LOVE seeing Idra loose. Such a bm player in general.
Comment # 29 by shamelend
game 3: i love how blizard admited that archoon toilet was a glitch and no way should a protoss kill 20 BL in 1 shot but didnt fix it...
not only idra but every zerg player should ragequit after that
every toss player should apologise for exploiting blizzard's incompetence after that
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The casting computer had some issues... the first movie is really too dark most of the time. Anyway, good games, I wish the third lasted more.
typical rage quit from yours truly
HAHAHA, the mothership/archon toilet is so broken. What a joke. That was IdrA's game... you can even see it on WhiteRa's face at the end of game 3.
Idra is such a baby, he's the biggest sore loser in the whole sc2 scene. I'm surprised he even said gg.
Idra is good, but he's not great. Moreover he's totally predictable, and will never deviate from a "standard" build. If I were in charge of EG, I'd drop his ass. The income that he brings in wouldn't be worth the headaches and tarnishing the name of a great gaming team.
More idrama...
Idra is such a pussy.....
I like IdrA and think he's a great additon to EG. He does need to work on his behavior but I know when I play and I'm going against protoss it definately feels like it's this uphill fight no matter how hard I drone or how far ahead I get econ wise.
gtc did you see the last mlg? idra was tearing it up against alot of top koreans.
Anyhow that was an exciting set to watch. White-Ra special tactics didn't see to work super well against Idra's D, but that warp prism harass in game 3 was pretty epic. Archon toilet is OP yet awesome to watch.
Why are people calling it a rage quit?
1. All of his brood lords were killed
2. His bases were low on minerals with his 4th about to be killed
3. And he had no gas at all to make anything other than lings....
White-ra had plenty resources and more incoming. Idra said gg and you still call it rage quit. Wtf?
@the_Jastro - totally correct. No gas vs that army = gg.
What is White-Ra special tactics - make a lot of Colossus? Blizzard nerfed parasite and left zerg unprotected against Colossus. Very special tactic - pump Co;ossus as many as you can.
@gtct001 - Wins IEM, Top 8 IPL 3, 4th at MLG, Top 12 ESWC
In the past month, he's beaten Puma, Boxer, HongUn, Bomber, Thorzain, and a handful of other Code B and Code A Koreans.
If you were on EG Management and tried to drop Idra, everyone with a brain would drop YOU instead.
Yep, I agree completely with Kronoboost; nerf parasite, buff warp prism = Protoss pretty tough to beat for zerg.
Great games! Idra didn't rage, he gg'd.
Idra had no gas left when he left.
gg White-Ra!!
fucking retards. idra gg-ed. it wasnt as if he meant it sarcastically, oh protoss so OP you played SO WELL protoss G G! a gg is a gg, it is what it means. dont read too much into it
Wow... People in this forum is pretty retarded.
I am no fan boy of IdrA, but seems like many just love to hate IdrA.
Fact 1) That was no rage quit. Any player with a proper game sense, would GG after that engagement.
Fact 2) IdrA is good. Saying otherwise is just stupid. Look at his freakin' results. He beats even the best of the Koreans, with a reasonable win rate.
Fact 3) IdrA haters are retard, but I highly respect IdrA critics -> Hell, I am one myself.
I totally agree. Finally Idra has grown up, being a dick gets you nowhere is Asia so he had to eventually, he said GG and was perfectly dignified as far as I could tell.
As for why he GG'd; as stated above, he needed another expand while constant harrass was pinning him and his 4th was going to fall.
He is a great player (meaning NON Korean player), but once you out macro him he really has very little as his strength lies is his ability to dominate this way. All I can say it White-ra again shows that he is still a player to be reconded with.
Gotta love the Whit-Ra - THE BEAST FROM THE EAST!
Great play from White-Ra!
Wonderful game, from both players. Lovely to see someone like White-Ra who can more or less nullify the mass-muta playstyle which iDra has used so much lately.
/ Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The
Dudes.. idra didnt ragequit, you are talking nonsense.
Idra had 100 gas left.. he couldnt replenish any versatile army so he was dead, end of story.
And casters are totally in the dark xD haha
WhiteRa's move by the end of game 3 BEFORE the last big battle won him the series imho: warping in 4 zealots to deny the 12 o'clock hatch, then positionning his army on the way of idrA's units. He took out a good amount of roaches and corruptors by surprise, that enabled him to win the last battle.
Very great games by both players. Idra dominated game 1, and games 2 and 3 were both well fought. I was rooting for WhiteRa, but I was impressed by IdrA's manners. To the IdrA haters... you're just as pathetic as the IdrA fanboys.
HD's casting was better than his usual (meaning I didn't cringe from random outside references or completely wrong calls in game strat), but both casters at the end of game 3 completely missed the big picture. "Idra really was never behind! I don't understand." "I don't know why he left there." Really? WhiteRa was on 5 base (2 fully saturated), while IdrA was on 4 (1 almost saturated, but about to go down)? 1500 vs 300 banked gas? IdrA just lost his army, and new units were getting killed off almost as fast as they could spawn? I don't know... maybe IdrA should have tried to regroup and drag the game out until there was absolutely no hope of winning, but this is one game even I (as badly as I suck at SC2) can easily see why IdrA left.
I don't know about you but I laughed when they were showing idra right before he put in his ear buds. He shook his head and had a disappointed "Really? WTF!" look on his face. Loved it.
It was GG when Idra left. No gas, one expansion down, about to lose his fourth, no greater spire and he just lost all his gas heavy units. I mean think about killing the remaining army with just spinecrawlers and lings, plus having to expand in the middle of that. It wasn't possible against Whitera.
Video quality needs improvement!
Very enjoyable games. WhiteRa did good. IdrA wasn't at his best.
*** Spoiler Alert... ****
I LOVE seeing Idra loose. Such a bm player in general.
game 3: i love how blizard admited that archoon toilet was a glitch and no way should a protoss kill 20 BL in 1 shot but didnt fix it...
not only idra but every zerg player should ragequit after that
every toss player should apologise for exploiting blizzard's incompetence after that
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