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HerO vs Creator (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Tasteless & State
Mini vs Barracks (Best of 1) by: Artosis & tasteless
Doing a roach/ling all-in will work even up to masters. Making a video about how to roach/ling cheese somene, and against an opponent who even scouts it by seeing a mass of lings in front of his base and not building an 3rd cannon is just bad play.
Not to mention that if he had forcefielded correctly against those lings he would've been safe, but he just didn't respond at all. Hoping the opponent doesn't FF in time and doesn't react to obvious mass lings isn't good play.
and you would've died straight up to 6/7/8 gate or stargate or blink stalkers or whatever timing push the protoss was working on because the roach/ling would've killed your econ and you don't have roach speed. So you're forced into either all-inning or all-macro as Zerg against FFE, so why bother expanding and making your all-in weaker. Again, the only reason this worked was because of missed FF and failing to respond to scouting information.
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