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Online: ESL_TV
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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
mkp is terrible when he doesn't abuse OP marines
darnoc is a great caster
only watched the first game so far which was great but what i noticed the most was how awesome the caster is! darnoc you're really good at this.
Great cast!
I don't think I have ever seen such a quick 3 base zerg go unpunished.
I really like MKP but he was completely and absolutely outclassed by Stephano.
lovely. i like how stephano made him look inferior. that fast 3/3 marines he relies on got handled really well, then plan B the hellions. stephano timings were really good. he did not overdrone and managed to punish the terran. good cast as well.
really good cast.... but a shame he missed the burrowed infestors in game1... wanted wo see what did happen to them...
I wonder if MarineKing first started cheesing because he couldn't figure out how to wall his base and had no other way to keep lings out
I KNOW! I saw the 3 burrowed infesters sneak in and was keen to see how much damage they inflicted.
Great games and cast overall
aohx --- this was MKP "abuseing OP marines", u see how it went?-- quite overpowered ye -
and btw ahox -- the term "terrible " --- if ure not a korean pro --- i'd say ure a fucking retard for even pulling a word like that after this --- trust me .. let's put you on the terran race vs stephano and see if u surive the first 6 min.
"Comment # 4 by Darnoc
Aw "
LOL. entertaining, thumbsed up
Awesome job on the cast Darnoc!
Stephano! BAM
Stephano's game sense in disgusting.
Great cast.
Just thinking about HotS and charge ultras. Think about what that would do in game 1. They were often stuck in the back and the lings were being obliterated before the ultras even began attacking
We never saw what happened with the three infestors that snuck into MKP's third base in game one at 13:30. At 14:48 we saw marines at the front stim to run to the third so I guess that's when they unburrowed. He lost at least 5 supply, and then charged out unmaxed after that so it must have done some economic damage. It could have been a coincidence or it could have been the trigger for the end game.
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